Show Ogden Man Once Boss of New Senator Dan Says Magnus J Johnson Was Called Camp Lawyer Be- Be Because Because Be Because cause He Was Vas Al- Al Always Al Always ways wars Talking THAT HAT the election or of o ras Magnus THAT T Johnson as senator of ot Minne MInne- MInnesota Minnesota sota astounded JIm him for ht hc dreamed that t a x amin min ko n 1 n In Iho t he yv ps n of o northern Mimi Mimi- v sota sola 30 eais ago h as ns a camp camp campi la- la i yer a term term un- un plied piled to one thit was nas fore lr talk talk- talkS talk talkIng S Ing could pain gain the support of the all e Republicans Republican cas the tho theS s stat t a tern ein 0 nt S made Saturday by Daniel r F y S 1159 1158 fifth nty fifth str et ho a ho Al was as for nus nl C r I y Magnus Johnson connected n I 1 t ii h tho fore forest t Sor SorIN sersie IN Mr Seerey said that when he heas as as superintendent for tor the Well Well- WellIngton Wellington ington Lumber company ol ot Minne Minne- Minnesota Minnesota sota 30 years ago Johnson worked for or him as a common laborer Io lo was kno known knon n said Mr Seere as ac a camp lawyer lawor in the lumber camps nean ean eana a man that after aler the day orb nork ori Is ladone don clone spends penda his hia Imo In har the other men He lie was vms as not net hat hatI l I today terme termed an fOr had he been we e e would have gotten rid of ot L m m But he ho was talking I I well HII remember one of ot the foremen coming to me rao and clung me he was nas as going to get rid nt of Johnson because he ha talked tal-ed too much buthen but when hen 1 found that be as just talking and not agitating and thit thu he did hIs hia work orb 1 Insl insisted that he be let alone He lie had bad a following follo among the themen themen men m c e n at that tune time nia a a as as popular In a way nay ay but I ne or r dreamed of hearing of him beng to the United Statts St Us aen- aen sen senate ate lIe He was as not a skilled at e een cen c en rough work ork handle a cant hook or do a iun Un UTI work Ho wa was d edas as a laborer cutting cUlling roads nd brush and blash and debris of tho the camps Ho He lb spoke brokenly when lien he spoke English and u usually con con- conversed conversed con conversed versed in his own tongue I X consIder his election merely an accidental occurrence for I Ican Ican can t belie c that the lIve cons element of ot really wants a roan man of ot his tp t pe lie He HeIn HeIn In no l ay way ay compares with Nelson I 1 am con convinced Inee 1 that when hen Sen- Sen Senator Sen Senator n ator Magnus Johnson reaches the senate he will sill be bo submerged and nc er be heard from aSahi again |