Show ores will be shipped by railto the shelters smelters Sm elters of salt lake valley from fridays standard that simon bamberger intends to build his railroad through ogden canyon at an early date and that he plans to arob crob the divide and enter cache valley was made evident yesterday by the disclosure of the fact that he ha had a party of mining men in the field for some time locating the iron bodies east of huntsville and fifteen miles from this city when asked to what purpose the iron ores would be employed it was stated that they are to be shipped to the black rock smelter now building southeast lake city in which air bamberger has n interest and be there utilized for flexing fluxing flu xing the iron ledges are capable of yielding an immense tonnage of a red hematite carrying ca per cent of metallic iron and highly desirable for smelling smelting sm elting purposes this is a new move on the part of simon bamberger and the quiet manner in which the ends have been attained best attests to the shrewdness of the head of the salt lake and ogden railroad |