Show INTERNAL TRADE grain and llo stock movements during august at important interior primary markets as reported lo 10 tho department of Comm eico and labor through its bureau ot statistics con tinned to show in the aggregate as was the caso in july appreciable increases over corresponding movements in 1904 whilo total receipts and shipments of these articles for tho first eight months of the current year presented heavy gains by similar corn pari sons the inbound grain movement at 12 important primary markets hadj ing been over million bushels in excess of that for the preceding year with indications pointing to a heavier increase li this class of tonnage at the alvo interior markets of chicago kansas city omaha st louis and st joseph avo stock receipts during august aggregated head in contrast with a similar in bound movement in 1904 of beai and in 1803 of head during the first echt months of the present year head of lire stock were received at these markets composed of cattle calves bogs sheep and horses and mules As compared with tho 1901 movement gains were made in the arrivals of all five of tho classes of am mals specified A similar total in bound live stock movement in 1904 amounted to head and in 1903 to head of the prea cut years total movement head were received at chicago bead at kansas city head at omaha head at st louis and head at st joseph it was almost a miracle burdock blood bitters cured me ot a breaching bre aHing out all over the body I 1 am very grateful miss julia dilbridge yil bridge west cornwell conn leon M hyslop son of aice hyslop the salt lake tribune correspondent la in the city tor the purpose of supervising the work preparatory to corn piling the city directory for the year 1902 mr hyslop represents the popa directory company and will remain in the city about six |