Show SWEAR TO BOYCOTT BRITAIN calcutta sept 29 fifty thousand assembled at the temple of Kall have sworn by the goddess kali to boycott british goods as a protest against partition of the province of bengal the administrative work of the province according to the views of the home and indian governments ern ments had gron to such unwieldy proportions as to necessitate a division of the labor hence the partition of the province into two lieutenant governor ships the ar intensely resentful at what they characterize as an attempt to split the population and impair the nationality tha people have pledged themselves to support the boycott which has now received the sanction of the priests the scene at the temple of Kall the greatest in bengal was striking when the immense assemblage took the oath in the holy presence of tho goddess kail not to uso foreign goods buy articles in foreign shops hen available in native shops or employ foreigners on any work that can be done by our countrymen the high priest then placed a mystic vermillion symbol on the forehead of each of those who the oath foreign firms are all feeling seriously the effect of the boycott |