Show deafness cannot be cured by local applications as chev cannot reach the diseased of the car there Is only one way to cure de ness and that la by constitutional remedies deafness Is caused by 3 inflamed condition of the mucous lie ing of the Busta chlan tube this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed Is the result and unless the nation yan be taken out and this auw restored to its normal condition head ing will be destroyed forever cases out of ten are caused by cv rh which Is nothing but an in clams condition of the mucous surfaces we will give ono hundred dollsy for any case of deafness caused M cannot be cured bf aalfs catarrh cure send for cira lara free T j CHENEY CO toledo 0 i sold by druggists take halls family puls for coaster coast lr ration y |