Show RELIGIOUS convention Pro gramme covering two days of work for classes of weber stake the religion classes of weber stake a 0 hold a convention saturday and S ddn september 23 and 24 the bugs in the afternoon and evening 1 0 si arday and the afternoon of suni da will tx held in the weber stake a ademy and the mec ting of sunday evening will be held in the tabernacle the sunday meeting will be for the public and will be the principal of the convention and will be add s ed by aelion H lund f superintendent of religion c csc i the for the coven lion sa birday 2 p in weber stake acad amy singing we thank thee 0 od for a prophet prayer singing 1 To dav gaper place of religion caas work katherine higgin i ham paper nature of religious 1 aching laura hotalling paper he outlines L bramwell questions and ternaries Tern aries s nging spirit of god benediction saturday 7 p m weber stake acad emy Singing sowing prayer ngang weary not our failures and low to improve them during the year papers emma ander eon john t braylock G vv right discussion questions and re singing guide Us 0 thou crea jehovah benediet lon sunday 10 a ra weber stake academe singing come come ye i ailts singing braer Is ne souls sincere desire discussion n the six steps a paper singing oat braer r emma C jensen b wie memory work emma c paper third fourth and wh seeps lizzie thomas d paper testimony walter herrick discussion questions and remarks singing redeemer of israel benediction sunday 2 p m weber stake acad cm singing we are all pi aier singing do what Is right paper child nature susie V may kv paper the teacher william 7 terry paper how to reach the parents james R beus paper allt T suggestions lo 10 roy E cowles discussions questions and remarks pinging praise to the man benedic bened lc alon sunday evening 7 p m singing choir prayer singing choh ad 1 os president anthon H lund s angling choir benediction cleveland 0 sept 21 the suicide undoubtedly 19 cabaries of his brother S Wet hafer la employed in a dry goods house in this city he said tonight that his brother charles has lean traveling in italy for his health he balled rom new york july 21 he wae gormerly tor merly in the coal in cleveland |