Show BUILDING UP THE WHOLE COAST all the pacific coast needs to increase iu prosperity population production and industry Is to mako its resources known to all the world in the bight way the pacific coast will increase vastly within the next decade and within a few decades will surely outstrip tho atlantic coast in everything that docs to make up modern business and doubtless in the pacific states region and at no distant date the greatest anglo saxon settlement that tho world has ever known will have found an abiding place and scope for its indomitable energies the supremacy or the commerce of the pacific involves nothing detrimental to the prosperity 0 the atlantic aioge and indeed will accentuate its progress and that ot thew bole united states the way to present the resources of the pacific coast is to present them by absolute statements of fact fair just and impartial nothing more noth ing less this can only be accomplished through a harmonious feeling in the entire pacific states region every locality must get its due and must obtain recognition from every other part odthe pacific states region jealous rivalry and a disposition to disparage one section of the coast to the booming of another section would discourage capital and industries and desirable population from coming here tiie knock travels further than the boost already the pacific states are working together A practical bushness method of this spirit of upon tha coast has been proposed throughout the pacific states region there exist commercial bodies of loyal men who are intent upon developing ve their own locality and helping along the general movement for tho welfare of all it has been suggested movement is now under way to crystall zo this sentiment of unanimity through an alliance of the pacific states commercial organizations zat ions so that the commercial bodies which are doing work for immigration publicity and development may all unite in a general pacific states association cia tion it Is suggested that every state in the pacific states region form a central organization of all the com mercial bodies of that state and these states in turn form a pacific states association the movement which Is now rapidly nearing consummation will mean a great deal for the pacific states region in all larger matters that affect the whole coast too different sections of the coast will operate cooperate co the organizations now existing will not be superseded in their splendid local work but will be and assisted by the general organization every community while doing the most efficient work for itself will profit by the help of all other communities the officers of commer cai organizations will be stimulated in their work of developing regions and commonwealths the movement was inaugurated augu rated more than a bear ago by rufus P jennings executive officer of the california promotion committee the press of the pacific coast region has given the work its loyal support and there Is but little doubt but that a year of prosperity and progress is at hand for the whole pacific states region ahead and beyond anything that perhaps the most sanguine has felt that he could conservatively ively expect |