Show A RAILROAD EDUCATION to be part of the advantages to be obtained at chicago university chicago sept 22 operation cooperation co between the university of chicago and a number of railroad officials has resulted in the establishment of a four year course of railway education an advisory board composed mostly of railroad men has boon established with E W mckenna assistant to president earling 0 the chicago st paul as chairman and daniel wallard Wll lard second vice dent of the burlington as vice chair man among theao who form this board are A C bird A F banks W C brown F A delano J T hara ban J N faithorn 8 M falton W A gardner S T fulton J krutzsch natt and B thomas these men representing as they do all phases of railroading will chape the courses which are to be given and will themselves aa occasion requires deliver lectures the first years course from october to june will be devoted x railway conditions in the united states the second year will bo devoted to freight service railway transportation railway law and rate legislation during the third year the following branches will be covered passenger service statistics and geography of railways signaling and train service railway auditing and finance and terminals during the fourth year following subjects will be studied motive power car equipment track railway development abroad and the economics of railway development |