Show terms of dissolution are reached at karlstad karlstad sweden sopt 23 p m the conference is terminated it is officially announced that a full agree ment was reached and signed at p m the protocols will be published next week at Chrls and stockholm simultaneously on the reassembling of the delegates some points of disagreement developed and they were still in conference at 5 p m A rumor spread soon atler the delegates reassembled to the effect that an agreement had been signed and this was telegraphed to special trains were in readiness to take the delegates to stockholm and but these arrangements were counter roand cd tho text of the official statement follows the norwegian swedish delegates at karlstad today finished the negotiations at which unanimity has been reached the result will bo published simultaneously at stockholm and early next week stockholm sweden sept 23 abo national defense department today announced that the swedish and norwegian frontier troops should be simultaneously ordered not to approach the frontier nearer than a kilometer |