Show JAPANESE IN THE WORLDS MAR japanese enterprise in manufacturing fac turing industries is being felt in tho japanese markets by british and geri man traders ernest L harris commercial agent it germany in writing on this subject says that the products of japans industries are gradually forcing themselves into various markets of the world where their competition is being keenly felt by english and german traders japanese ingenuity and industry are beginning to exert an influence to such an extent that their exports are increasing while at the same time the markets in japan are passing more and more into the hands of home manufacturers this la causing a reduction of imports it has long been thought that the japanese were masters of the art of imitation but it is now generally admitted the world over that they also possess powers of great initiative A recent report of the british consul at kobe records the fact that the import of cotton yarns shows a big decrease due to the increased growth of the japanese industry which is gradually but surely ousting lancashire coarse cottons from the japanese market among woolen manufacturers tha outlook for imported goods is not bright the manufacture of flannels in osaka has improved to such an extent that imports at this article have fallen oft considerably japanese manufacturers today are producing the cheapest kind of cotton underwear socks toilet soap and lamps the indigo and tobacco trades are also rapidly passing into japanese hands |