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Show l!ow "Keciprocity" Discriininiitps. The total exports of the United States to Great Britain and Ireland during the last fiscal year amounted in value to s!ll,.)!iU,s:o7. This is $:Hi,ooO,ooU less than tho value of the exports to Great Britain and Ireland in bSSl. Yet this country's exports last year to the United Kingdom amounted in value to more than its exports to all the world besides. Whilo throwing every tariff obstacle in the way of this great trade, tho brilliant bril-liant policy of the administration is to bully or beg commercial favors from countries which, in the nature of things can havo little' or no trade with the United States. It is considered a great stroke to obstruct commerce with Great Britain and Ireland, whose people draw upward of 50 per cent, of the exports of the United States, aud to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity with Venezuela whose imports from this country amount I to one-i;air of 1 per cent, of its total export trade. The McKiul.-y organs mads a great cackle over a reciprocity treaty with B:a;:il, whe-u the exports of the United Stares to all South America, Central ; America and the West Indies combined i do not equal in value the exports to j ' Germany, against whose trade with j : this country the McKinley traiff wages! a malignant war. Philadelphia liec ! ord. . . j |