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Show NOTICE OF ENTRY OF LAND. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned , the mayor of Motoni city, in Sanpete county, that 1 have il.ttr.il, at I lie I'nited Slates land office at Suit 1 nl:e citv, I tah territory, for mid in behalf of tiie inhabitants of Moroni city in Sanpete county, L tuh ten itorv. the following described kind, to wil: The s .utll half of tils south-west quanor of section two ; the northeast north-east quarter oi the uorlh-eust quarter of sec-lion sec-lion nine; the north halt of the north-v.est quarter and north-east quarter of section ten, and the n. n th -west .j n ajt. r of section eleven, all in the township ot fifteen South, of r.uiire three east oi Salt Lake meridian. I'tnh territory, terri-tory, mid eontaiiiimi live hundred and twenty seres. Public notice is hereby tiiven to ail persons or person, associations or corporations, ciaituini: to be the riflitl til owners t posses-sion. posses-sion. oc. n,miit or occupants, or to be entitled to the cOeupnuev or postsii.n of such land as above described, or to any lot, block, share or parcel thereof,, to nle with t lie cleik of the probate court of Sanpete county, a statement in writing cont:iinimf an aeciira'e description of I lie part.ciliar parcel or parcels of land in w l-.ich he. sue or tin v claim to have any interest, and the specific l ii'ht. interest, or estate therein, w hich he, she or they claim to be entitled to receive. Said statement to be filed within six months from the date of the first publieat ion of ihis notice, Dated at Moroni city. February 23. A. r,lS9-2 ANliKKW I.. ,1EN8E- ileyorol MofoniCity. |