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Show NOTICE. Nam hi r 4. Notice Is hereby Riven bv tlio city conni il of the intpmi.ai of s:,ia council to make the following (Icserila d improvement tovi.t: The extension oi water minus eoni-meiicins eoni-meiicins at a poult on.Miun street and rulinin-' ,ll"ng Fifth North street to street Wist, estimated at a lnobaMe eot of me thou-am!, cue hnrnlri d and i wentv-tii-e dollars ,$n;-.,. The co.-t thereof to he ,ie. j Iraxed by a local nsso-sui, i.l upon Hie lots or scribed district. belli' 'l he " ...tuVnoV.o Veccl I'd i"r belHlill.d b, sm.l in, prove,,,.,.! y'z I All lots or parcels ol land l..l. ,! on culler si.b', of lull, North .street, Horn Mou i : L street west. All .r.. tests and ebj. c: ions to the rarr'-iii wmm.-o, ti.eei'v're!'. r i" ' '"' ' soy,.,,,?, .lay of JlVl'-'h.1 a""ji.', 1 -s.,"bf ,'." Ihe time set by said eouii.il when it will hear and consider such objections as mav be lr de thereto, - liy order .f the city council of Manti c ilv. ., .. VV. AM.Kltaos.Citj- llfCOrdVr Mnnti, February d, Ij.j.', |