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Show usual partner was. lie was la full bloom on the longest bench in the house. Be a good girl, Lottie, and write again to. Helen Cyclone. P. S. Lovely weather isiu't it? 11. Helen's Reply. Manti, March 4, 1832. Dear Louie I was very mnch pleased with your letter of February 24th. That must have been au awful fuuny sewing bee more bee than sewing, I should judge. Talk about sewing bees to me, why you should have beeu at the leap year party. I was over to see Honria Cox last Monday and she was so engaged engag-ed in reading your letter in The Senti-ne Senti-ne l why nhe dident even look np when I came in. 0 y Js, IV I tried to tind ont who the was eoing to take to the rarty, but she woulden't tell me. Yon would have died laughing laugh-ing if you could have seen Brother Harmon Har-mon dancing a jig on the stage. Why I thought sure wo would have a fnnera) next day for Mrs. Hague langhed till she cried. It wa9 a circus, Of course you did not go to 'joint session f uesday evening, weil thauk your lucky stars for that. There was a dialogue ty Ticie and others, but it took place in the anilie..ce aud those who were near enough got the fnll benefit of it. I will never forget how fuuny Lawyer Reid and K'.tie Yorlnes looked when they were dancing the Newport. Kttie was all right but Mr. Keid didn't seem to be in it. I think the young folks should ,-t'idy manners for ones of Tenie's party actually pinned a girl to the seat.and if I were the president of the Young Ladies' asjociaiion I believe I would send them home with a note to their mammas. Some ladies in town who think they are awfully smart, send to Salina for beaux. Oh, the fellows were dandies. I just wir.h I could have had a wallz with Mr. Atkins. Yon didn't know there were some boys following you home the other night when you left me at the bank corner, did you? .Why Sarah Richie ami Dave Felt jnst went flying fly-ing hmuul the hall in Ihe dance knocking knock-ing t-verj body down. But they danced quite sweet, though, if Sarah didn't lean on Dave's shoulder quite so much. The other evening I went to the post otlice to post a letter, and do you know the next day the postmaster put it up in the window, I know you can guess why. I heard that the other fellow's name was Mr. Cole, I tell you he danced tho Newport all right, 'I wish Jack would It am how to Newport, for do yon I only danced three limes, because every time l asked some one to aance, mey would tell me they were engaged. Do you know 1 had a good notion to take lessons in painting of that Heber lady, iud you see that piece of painting paint-ing tint Mrs. Witbeck has been doing I met her with it the other day and she said sho did it all in one lesson. If you will t;tke lessons' I will. We had lunch at the party also, and I was watching Mayor Shomaker, I know he drunk no less than live cups of coffee. His poor wife had her bauds fall with him. Say have yon met that Mr. At- ; woodV He is not much good though, I wouldn't care if I were you. The minute KMie Cox came in to the dance she baw him and it made her so sick she had to go right home. Say, I don't know whether I am a republieian or a democrat demo-crat Fut 1 went to the democratic rally all right. I believe the reason I didn't gel to dance is because Maggie FieMkig wouldn't let us ring on every time. But I did not get the chance to ring in, Say.'llima Scott is very much put out about the article that appeared in the last Sentinel about her father-in-law. I worder where Johnie is now any way. Have you heard that Arthur Hfnrie is to be married on the luth? I think Arthur deserves a good wife. I guess he won't marry the crearuf-ry but it 6eems like he will be in it. M.y, goedDfss gracious, Will and Ina have decided to get married. I think they make a cute litttle couple. Knte Drown and Boll Fox said they were going to Salina to see the races. I believe be-lieve Mr. and Mrs. Stringham get younger every day, judging from the way they dance. They got around much better than a great nany people. And would you believe it? Walter Strine-ham Strine-ham actually went to sleep the iacttimehe went to see his girl. I (ell 5011 Sperry didn.t spare the coffee. He dm k to much it made his hair curl. Say, that little Emily Keller went home a lopg time before the dance was out, but tehn I blame Clare for that. Verna wasn't there, but her |