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Show The American Legionof Honor. It was oreonized December JS, ISTs, and is incorporated under thJlanso Massachusetts. The order is es!.ibli.-h.d in in ai ly every Btate and territory of the United States with a lm uibership o' tl3.CK.iO fippurtii ned aiurng lus.j suberdi-unte suberdi-unte councils. Since the date of organization organ-ization more than SiUiOuoiiO dollars dol-lars have been paid lo : cueticiai ii s of deceaei d companions. The prompt payments by the American Ameri-can Legion of Honor are extraotdiuai y. There are tunny instances where a widow has received her insurance money Ave days aftu- the death of her husband, anil it is seldom that a payment pay-ment is made later than thirty days after death. This order, which was organized in 187S, has paid one over i'20,ftOH.l,0C. The aruonnt of insurance in forco is 1185,000,000. Relief payments are niado for ten weeks in any one year, and np to fifty weeks in five or any greater number of years. For example, a nien ber insured for 11,000, disabled by B'Ckuess or accident, acci-dent, receives Si per week, and others as follows: $S on a (2,0C() policy; ."rl2 on $3,niX policy; 10 oa a $1,000 policy, and $20 a week for a person insured for if o 000. |