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Show ments of a 10 per cent 'reduction. The latter gentleman also alluded to the feelinit existing iu Salt I.ske against i.k'hn Henry Smith's appearance and ! statements made whiio Mr. Smith was I before the senate committee on terri tories legarding home rule for Utah. Both gentlemen were closely followed by their audience and every sentence was punctuated, with applasue. William Will-iam K. R 'id followed and made a tell, iug talk upon local .issues, the water supply and banking methods. He outlined out-lined the city campaign and the reform Jvmsadcd. The people want protection from tlii?. and the speaker pointed to a glass of dirty water upon the table ILis speech r.rovj';ed a sorios of hot discussions and bath parties to all of these leeal issues will present theii2 views to The Skntinkl readers read-ers iu due time. A large number of ladies graced the hall with their presence pres-ence and were quite as interested and as enthusiastic as were the men. MANTI. The county court convenes on Monday. The police run in a tramp on Wednes, day for being drunk. Uncle George Snow has just received a car load of SelmtUcr wagons. A few of the democrats of l.avan were seen on our streets Thursday. E. W. Fox has a new gi'.e. "'It is a thing of beauty and a joy forever." Lutie Striugham spent Thursday and Friday of this week on the farm pntting in grain. Marshal G.E. Snow assisted by the two boy prisoners is cleaning up the court house yard. Just as was expected, Frank Tinges lias sprained his ankle and will have to take a lay off. Onr latest subscriber hails from Wood Siilp Kmerv powntv. end is known among his fel'owmen as Andrew Barnson, The South ward will hold conference at the tabernacle tomorrow. President Peterson with his council will be present. pre-sent. All are invited. Married, at the Presbyteiian l '-age, '-age, Manti, on March 2, IM'2. by the Rev G. XV. Marten, Mr. Archibald -Seoit of Salina to Miss Jane Faux of Moroni. The ladies and gentlemen in attendance attend-ance at tha leap year party Monday night were iu accord with th ii.u-.ic given by the Young Men's band. They all had a good time. The Missis Ethel Lowry, Snsie Brown, Ovanda Witbeck, Emily Keller and Professor Nelson, Clare Rid, Tony Lnnd were iu attendance at the church institute at Gunnison yesterday. Stringham and StrinKham present ed our reporter with one of those splendid Views or nJanti on rnnrsnny. n is uu artistic piece of work and speaks well for our local artists. The Seninel pleasure party acknowledges acknowl-edges courtesies extended by Mr. Wallace Wal-lace of the Central Utah Press, and George Atkin and Mr. Cle on a receut trip to Salina, and to all others whe ' "Contributed to their pleasure. Indian Dan is a world beater as a quarter horse. He wins by a haed or mere to the mortification and defeat of any horse so far. They even say at Salina if this horse ran against a wheel barrow he would brsat it by a head. The following part ies procured license to marry, from County Clerk Reid this week: Eraetus H. Jacobson and Stena M. Scow, of Maylield; Archibald Scott of Salina, and Jane Fanx, cf Moroni; George II. Bradley, Jr., aud Almira Faux, of Moroni. This has been a very busy week as far as job work is concerned, as the oflice has printed invitations for theleap year ball for the North ward Sunday seliool party, pool tickets for the Salina races two jobs for ilirfleld Yeoman, biil heads for John R. Nielson, receipts for String-ham String-ham and Stringham etc. II. P.Olson representing Carlisle and Culne of Logau nursery is in town Ee says he has jnst completed a ealo of nearly a thousand shade trees to tha city of Maroni and is expecting a like order from Fairview. These trees will be furnished by the city conneil to the residents for half price as an induce, ruent to the people to beantify their towne . The bee keepers of Utah will hold a vonrention at Salt Lake on April 7 IStrj, in the Brick and Stonemason's hali. Main street, over tho Western. I'nion Telegraph ofilce, commencing at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. 0. 1!. Huntington and John C. Swainer are the executive committee. Address communications to the latter gentleman at Salt Lake, J31 Tenth East street. Ina letter to The Sfntinix, Mr, ' George R. Braithwaite writs trom Knox college, Galesburg, III. renewing his subscription and adds he receives the paper with a great deal of satisfaction, and will soon write a letter fiir publication. publica-tion. The literary society of v hith he is a member of. the Zetettici, has invited him to deliver a lecture on Mormon-ism, Mormon-ism, and he is on tho program on '.'Tho Origin of the Book of Mormon." The lecture will be confined to the historical histor-ical statements of this work, from whom it came, how it was preserved, and how it came to be discovered. In a class .of 48, Mr. Braithwait ranks in the second -division, the fifth being the "dead line." Judges Norreli and McNalley of Salt Lake upon in vitation of that organization organiza-tion delivered the opening campaign speechl before the Manti democratic club last Saturday evening at Grier's liall. Mr. Norreli was first in reduced and his efforts were directed toward a sharp crit cism of the McKinley tariff . bill, made a law by the last republican cangress and by reason of which that party was swept ont of power by the terific political cyclone of ISOO. Judge McNally refered to the tactics of the millionaire republican mannfactnrer of Pennsylivnia, Carnegie end how that gentleman and others would, before election, post up notices to their men. suggesting a possible advance in wages, put np In their places announce- |