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Show PROVO. From the Dispatch : K.W.C. Hatheubruek Tuesday received an order frcm San Francisco parties for SCO squares of Provo slate. He is figuring with both railroads for rates. The order will bo tilled at onee, and will require two cars to hold it. M'e congratulate Mr. Hathenbnick on the recognition the product of his quarries is receiving. Ihe little g rl cf J. W. Bean had a veryFevpreaccid. ni c n Mr inlay. S-.e was t laying in tl.o itt with another child and teil heavily to the gtound while limning. When picked up it was found she had sustained s severe injury avtiit tiip neck and shoulder. Dr. iiardy w.i" summoned and upon examination discovert d that tLe cellar t one was tiro: e ;. lleattended the injuries and left Uu. child feeling as comfortable as could be expected. The northwest corner of the furnishing furnish-ing rooms at the woolen mills fell in on Monday atiout noon. The adobes had become saturated ty the sttam and waier, from a barrel in tho corner. c.iU.'in them to crumble. About eight feet each way from i lie corner fell in, doing damage to the extent cf $150. Ooe of the finishing machines on the upper Moor very inaily wmt with the w H, which would havo added sov; rat iiunnrid dollar., to the damage, i aI i take but a tliort time to repair li.e ..ss. The esainanation of the two men t.r-rrsted t.r-rrsted poia- time ago took pi ice Tuesday bef.iie W. li. O.'o, ,.). on a charge of l.irc.uy. ii il liautz prosecuted. The U ui it ol the dtieiidaiits a.ipeared very plain from the tes,i.i:oiiy given by the proit-eotiiig wilnt sscs aniDU? whom was the owner of tho stolen iirt.iiertv. ttit .horded, and the pt rt-oii w h-j nought the goods. Even the statements ef the defendants de-fendants themselves tended to makea stiotig rase of grand luicuey. The deft-imams were held to await the action of the grand jnry in jo'elO bonds each. In default of bonds both were comniit-;e comniit-;e l to the custody of the shi-rifi. Sumo time ago a fellow cauto to I'foio tiiiii ti.i.-.r.ded at the A linan house. He slaved on week there with :,o money mon-ey i i his treasury, s) thinking to square things he went to ,i.L. Clayton's plumb-'tig plumb-'tig tin p. and gcliii.g a letter head With Mr. Clayton's name ai.d business o i it. pi 0Cct. led to v, rite an order some t ling like this: "f v. ill settle for this I man's b..ard," ai d signed it "J. I,. Clay-j Clay-j tt n." Taking this h i resulted it at Us l.o tiding house and skipped. Mr. t.'lajttn wes thunderstruck wluu the I d t whs p,-. seutt d to him. He iuform-elt.'ie iuform-elt.'ie clli.'-Td and yesterday Clayton .ia'ov r(d the fellow skulking ij the hack street.-. The officers were notiiitd and officer W Tkins succeeded in Dading the man and arrested him. He low lingets in limbo, to await the pleasure of Judge Browu. |