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Show coffee. The chocolato drink is made mostly of milk. The way they make chocolate first they put ome milk en the stove to boil then they cut np ti e chocolate and put hot water iu it and little sugar to awe -ten it. 'And there is also chocolate cake. It is male like jelly-cake. Belle Tuttle, Age 8 years, "A lk'11 Story" I have a nice little doll And its name is Ruby. Iu the sr.meT I play with it And then I have a doll carriage to But it is not a nice ono And my doll is in her carriage while I am in Fchool So in tho snmmer I will have some more fun. So Good night pet is my slory. Mary Dickson, Age 8 years, -A IM1 Story"- I have a doll which Is midd of china and I once knew a little gill which had a doll which could say mamma mam-ma and papa end I have a doll which can shut its eyes. When I want It to shuts its eyes It will and It can go to sleep. I get lots A things on Chrislmas. Theodore Maitin. Age 6 yeais. -A Story of a Dog" I once 1 ad a dog his name waB Hector. We tied him at the corrale one day and he broke his chain that night and ran away. THE SENTINEL'S PETS James J. Parsons. Age 7 years, "A Story of a Horse." There was a horse. The horses name Is Nail, nail is a good horse she will rool on the ground and she will pull on a buggy and she will let ns heath her up on a bnggy and my papa will drive and he will old the lines in his hands, Bernice Tnttle, Age 10 years, "A Story of a Doll" I have a nice doll and a carriage car-riage for it. And her name is Lillie b'elle She has two dresses one Is white and the other samon. She has a pair of stockings and I knit them. All but the 'ieel and toe and grandma done that. : Lottie Killfoil, Age 8 years, "Story of a Doll" last Christines my ma gave me a doll, of eourw I was very tickled and made up my mind to keep it for a long time and only play with it on Sunday but I soon forgot what I was going to do and had my doll playing with It nearly every day soon I become tired of it and would leave it around on choirs and boxe just wherever I happened to have it last. At last it feell and broke and my ma says I am to big for a doll and I ought to learn to sow and knit But sometismes when I play with my friends I wish I had not been so careless. care-less. Clintc Fox. Age 10 years, "a Story of a Horse" There was a horse that could open a gate by his teeth are work a pump he could pump woter Into the trough when he wanted a drink. The name of the horse is Bill, he is a wise old horse. Jane Martin, Age 8 years, "A Doll" I have a doll could shut its eyes but its head is broken and its hair is off. and I have heard of a doll that could say Mama and Papa. I know a girl that never had a doll bnt a doll made of rags but I have a better doll than that. Mary Etta has a doll that could shut its eyes bnt she let it fall on the kitchen floor and It broke a? J Mama sent It to the city to get mended and when It came back it would not shut its eyes and she has had it six years and only its neck is broken and she fixed it on. Kimer Ludvigson, Age 11 years, "Rat-bits" "Rat-bits" I have two rabbits the one is white and the other Is black when I feed them they stick their nose out of do r and seems to say thank yon. They are very pretty little pets I think in the spring I will have a lot of little rabbits. Burton Tuttle, Age 7 years, "Bees" The Bees are very busy little creatures They work hard In the Bprlng and summer sum-mer getting honey from the flowers, and putting it in little hives, to live on in the winter. If little children were as busy as Bees they would always know theire lessons. Blonde Beterson, Age 12 years, "Silk Worm" The silk worm is a small worm like the caterpillar, This little creature is green in eolor, and feeds on the leaves of the mulberry (tree. It Is hatched from an egg about the size of a mustard seed, and changes its skin four times before it is full grown. When it Is grown it leaves off eating, and covers itself over with a pretty silken ease inside of which, the little spinner goes to sleep for sometime. When its sleep is over, It makes a hole in its case, and comes ont In the Bhape of a small butterfly. It then lays a number of eggs and soon dies. It is from the case or ball spun by the silk worm that ail onr silk is made. The balli, or cocoons, aa they are called, are thrown into warm water to loosen the gum wi'h which the worm glues the threads togeather. Then it is called raw silk, then it is manufactrured into fioss silk, then into silk thread, then is manufactured into different kinds of cloth. Sidney Fredrickson, Age 10 years, "Sugar" There are three kinds of sugar plants. And the? are the sngar erne the maple tree and the sugar beet. The maple tree grows in the state of maine The sugar cane grows in the united states. In order to have sugar refined bones must be used. When it is spilng In the state of maine the farmers go out into the forests unci tan th trees And they let the sap run out in pails. And there is a man a horse and a sleigh and comes down to the men that are tapping He then puts a barrel on the sleigh And gets the sap And then it Is taken to a little house and it Is boiled and finley into 6ugar. The sugar cane is crushed with machines. Maria Hanson, Age 11 years, "Chocolate" "Choco-late" Chocolate is made from the coca-nnt coca-nnt tree. The finer gart is chocolate and the other part coca. This coca has a large hard shell and Is the size of a girl or boys head. The tree grows in warm climates. The best chocolate makers are the French. Tnere is chocolate choco-late candy and on the top is chocolate and in-side is some white candy. And the coca drinkj looks like the drinks of |