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Show ijolonel J best Little who is down on a visit from the city seems to be bavins a jjlly good time. He has made a nuni-t.erof nuni-t.erof friends here who will be extremely ex-tremely sorry to see him depart. Lindsay In "Monte Orialo" played to the largest audience ever sern in Mo-ioiii. Mo-ioiii. The special train was crowded which came from Fountain Green and all seemed happy and evidently enjoyed themselves. A number of the young people of Moroni went np after the show for a little rids on the train. A large force of men and teams are busily engaged scraping and leveling the streets in town, and filling np the 9?a of mad and slush in front of the post office, which have been in a disgraceful dis-graceful condition for sometime. A much needed Improvement. Now let the city authorities look lo the various corrals and roofs covered with 1870 straw which Is a constant menance to the health of the town. MORONI. From the Pyramid: I 1'. C. Christensen and Charles Kemp were in Salt Lake during the past week. "Veruo" is bnsily engaged on ten new sets of scenery at the eppra house and bis work is excellent, besides being very rapid. Be is a wonder at painting. The Nephi full quadrille band seems to be fond of Sanpete county. They have been over twice and it understood are coming again and are going to have a dance in each one of the towns. Bnsiness all over town seems very good and the merchants are happy over the spring prospects, which looks very encouraging. Already the farmers are thinking of their snmmer campaign, for the ontlook Is for an early spring. |