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Show In The Home Magazine for April-Mrs. April-Mrs. L'igan writes editorially in the April litimher of the recent cougres-sioually cougres-sioually trip to Chicago and of other turrent topics. In her "Personal Recollections" Recol-lections" she writes of the dedication of the colebrated Metropolitan church in in Washington, and gives a full account of the first inauguration of General Grant; describes the inaugural bail, and gives a view of the present appearance of the famous "cash room" of the treasury treas-ury where the ball was held. Mrs. Mary Logan Tucker writes of the closing events of the social season in the capital; and this department also gives a sketch of Mr. Lelaud Stanford from the pen of Mr. Logan, who ia a personal friend of the California Senator's Sena-tor's wi!e. There is begun this month a new serais ser-ais tory from the i en of Mr. Harriet Taylor Upton. In the department of "Sunday Afternoon" After-noon" is given a sketch with portrait of Mary Lowe Dickinson, the general sec-retaryof sec-retaryof the or Jer of the King's daughters. daugh-ters. Edgar L Wakeu;au writes on Home-k' Home-k' ndug in Cuba. There are numeral other topics such as " viothers Heme Talk " "Fashion and Foreshadowing," "Fancy YVork," "Home Dressing," "Music." "Fioral department," de-partment," "Dining-room," "Book de-partment,"the de-partment,"the 'Gentle Art of Beauty," and "Health" department. This magazine with the Sentinel for one year only 2.75. |