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Show SPKOIAt, "TAX NOTICE. Notiee is lu reev given that the assessor of Manti eity has completed the assessmeatlis:s ami plats for water districcs Noj. 4,0, and . euibraeing respeetively : Third north street, West; Fif.h north street, west, and Second north street east. Said lists and plats are in possession ofeily reeorderal w hose office t bey Vvill be open for i i-.speet ion for a period of ten days, eoinnidneing April il A. 1. 1S92. During Dur-ing Specified tinie. written appe lis to the eity einm.dl for tee correetioti of ihe assessments may betilee with tnereeorder. N. W. anpkrson, Citv Recorder. April 23d. A. 1 1S92. - |