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Show Territorial Democratic Convention SALT LAKE, April 2, 189.'. A territorial convention of the democratic party of Ftuh ie hereby calif d to meet at the opera house in the city of Ogden, Utah, on Saturday, tte 14th clay of Mny, 1W2, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of electing two rtclegutcs and two alternates to the national na-tional democratic coLVenricn to be held at tha city ot Chit-ago, on Jutis 21, 1192; also to elect a territorial central committee, and transact such olio basilicas as shall come before be-fore Iha convention. Said convention will consist of 500 delegates dele-gates apportioned among the several coua-tiesof coua-tiesof the tertitory as follows: - reaver 10 Kane S Sevier 12 BorF.lder... 4 Millard 9T.ioeIo .... 9 Cache 42 i Morgan ... S Uintah 7 Davis ..-Jl Flute 9 l"tau 70 E ' 13 Kirh 5-wasulDston 12 Gurflold 5Salt Lake. . 185 Wasatch .... 8 Oraud 2 Snopcte ?0 Wayne t! Iron 5SumnJir .... 15 Weber 55 Juab S San Jtiau .. -t The committees of tho several comities of thcleirilory are hereby requested to appor-ti3u appor-ti3u the number of delegates to which treir fouuly is entitled among the several precincts aud provide the method of electing said delegates. del-egates. All delegates to the territorial convention should be provided with credentials duly signed by the presiding oln-er of the meeting electing them. My order of the lerritorial central coQl-mitteo. coQl-mitteo. SAMUEL J. ME11KVTT, Chairman. EL1A3 A. S.MIT a. Secretary. Zbc Sentinel. Entered at the nostoflice in Manti city, Utah, for transportation through the mails fr.s second sec-ond class matter. Saturday, - April 23, 1892. By SAM. M. LeKOY. |