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Show THE CONVENTION. the Democrats n Session at Ephraim. Tho democratic county convention convened iu the academy hall at ll:lo and was called to order by Ward Stevenson Stev-enson of Manti, secretary of the San. peto county democratic committee, who read the call for the convention. Dr. tVoodring was elected temporary chairman and YY'ard Stevenson temporary tem-porary secretary. Upon motions being duly mado and prevailing committees were appointed: Credeutials-E J.Conrad of Chester Niels Sorenson of Gunnison, S,im Le-Roy Le-Roy of Manti. Permanent Organization and Platform Plat-form Ferd Erickson o.t Mount Pleasant, Pleas-ant, Y'. K. Reid of Manti, Dr. M. B. Shipp of Ephraim. Committee on Order of Business Dr. YV. II. Olsten. Adjourned until 1:30 p. m. Tho afternoon session was called to order at 1:30 p. m. ' The following delegates were, by tho report of tho committee allowed seats iu the convention: con-vention: Manti William K. Keid, Ward Stev. e nson, Joseph Judd. Ephraim YVilliam U. Olsten, M. ' Murrary, M. B. Shipp. Mount Pleasant Ferd Eriekscn. Dr. YY'. YY'. VVocdring, Amasa Aldrich. Moroni Aaron Hardy, G. II. Mcsley. Spring City A. E. Allred, Ole Petersen. Peter-sen. Chester E. J. Conrad. Gunnison X. C. Sorenseu, YVilliam Bardsley. Fairview Peter Suudwall, Guy C. Wilson. (fountain Greea Andrew Leslie, James Collard. The committee ou permanent organization organ-ization aud platform so recommended aud the temporary organization were made the permanent oflicers. The last national and the last territorial terri-torial platforms were endorsed and adopted, and they were read by the secretary. -" The report of the committee on order of bnsiness was then presented. A vote of thanks, on motiou of Ferd Ericksen, was tendered I'hk Sentinel for the badges presented the delegates. The following resolutions were then read and adopted unanimously: llesolvcii, While the ilomnrr:itii- pirty of Sanpete is oppose! to buioitn-3 given by the legislature to private eorporations, it linuly believes in the poliey, if ineiiet.'iry ussistan -e is to be granteil, rather let it be graiiletl to the farmers themselves for racing b.-ets than to tin; local I'tsh braneh of the eng:ir tret or the rnitr-d Stales. Kesolved, That we indorse the action or the liistlfRislanu-P in removing the tax on inor: g:ies, as we do not believe iu diseriniinat ing against our on n people in favor of those residing resid-ing outside the territojy. The following delegates and alternates alter-nates were then elected to represen1 Sanpete democracy at Ogden May 24th next: delegates: altekxatls: i Swen O Nielson. PeterSundwall, Guy C. W ilsou, On-eu Sanderson, W. YY'. Woodrjug, Amasa Aldrich, James Burns, M. G. Rolph. Ferd Ericksen, George Cbristenson, Lars Nielsen, Andrew Leslie. John S. Biaiu, John Crisp, J.T. Allred, John R. Baster, P. Greaves Rr P. Greaves Jr., Dr. A'. II, Olsten, C. . Petersen, M. F. Murray, J. F. Dorius, C. Christenseu, Joseph Banell, L. T. Tnttle, W. 1C. li-ud, W. T. Keid, Joseph Judd, P.'H.Madseii, Watd Sleveuson, Louis Swenseu, ' Mons Monsou. John Bailey, H. M Bradley, Xiels C. Sorensen, William Kardsley, Vtilliam Metcalf, Jacob Tuft, Josepn Seeley, Edward S. Reid. |