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Show tag above them. When Older had been, restored he rose and stated that he would not be able to speak, at length on the bill as he had hoped, but would ask Mr. Bryan to r.'ad a short argument which he had prepared.-National News Bureau. Lester J. Ilerrick, ex-mayor of Cbrden, died at his home in that city Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, of consumption. He was one of the early Uiah pioneers, arid was honored at different times with county and municipal honors. He was (51 years old and leaves a large family. He etijojed fonr terms of service as ma or of Ogden. .The Novelty has reoptued at Salt Lake. A bee of Patagonia produces a dark bine wax which is ta d to be more loisotious tLan arsenic. Sawdust, by chemical treatment and pressing iuto auy desired form, is being v made into a bu ldiug mat&iial in Ger many, It is claimed that the prcduC' -is stronger than timber, lighter than steel, extremely hard, practically fireproof fire-proof and very cheap. The prospe-.-tus of May issue of ih Cosmopolitan, is acecmpanitd by a letter of the American News company, stating that ths news eUud sales of the Cosmopolitan have increased nearly one th 'US .nd par eeat duiing the past three years the second half of the Cosaiopolotan's existtnee. London is more thsa a sixth larger than it was ten years ago, savu the Harald. It has increased fro 4,7i50,G51 in 1SS1 to 5,663 332 persons in 1SS1. This is more than a fifth of tha, entire popnlatioa of England. It is more than 1.500,000 larger than the population of Scotland and nearly 1,000.000 more thsn the pipnlation of Ireland. Tho actual inreacse has been 886,671, or lb 2 per cent. The increase is nearly equal to the popnlation of Manchester aud Leeds together. It represents an addition evtry je r of a town of 80,667 inhabitants. inhabi-tants. It is sail that no less lhan 70 per cent of the people ;of London are in gool circumstances, industrious, intelligent, intelli-gent, sober aud apparently happy. A reinblican friend criticises the course cf this journal in failing to see any gcod in the republicans or their party. Such su opinion is unwarranted. unwar-ranted. To be sure this paper has made little mention of the local republicans, their aims, their meeting or their metn-brship: metn-brship: This is not the fault of The Sentinel. Repeatedly hae Ihese columns col-umns been declared free to the republicans repub-licans of Sanpete in the absence of a local organ of their own, but in every instance have they failed to make use of this offer. The same is now renewed. There are men good aud,rbad in all parties Tnere are just as gcod, respectable, honorable, honest and patriotic men in the repnblican party today, in times past, in the boyhood growing us as ever graced a Jackson corncob pipe or carried car-ried a Jove for the precepts handed down by Jefferson to our care and devotion. de-votion. Politics and political discussions discus-sions should be upon the party platforms aid not consist of personal abuse, nor ehonld mlsrepresentatioua be made, use ot in any argument. One of the most pleasant and interesting inter-esting incidents ot the present st ssion of congress transpired last, "Jon-day when Mr. Springer reappeared in the house for the first time since his late critical illness, ilr. Springer is, popular in congress, his uniform courtesy and . good hnmor as well as his hard work In the public interest having won him the esteem of his fellow members on both sides. It had been arranged to take np the free wool bill reported by fir. Springer's committee oa Monday in committee of !he whole, and just as the proceedings under this order began tnat gentleman entered leaning on the arm of Sir. Bryan of Nebraska. He was greeted by a storm of appiap.ee from ' both sidds of the floor and from the galleries, and there was a temporary tempo-rary suspension of business while members mem-bers crowded about to congratulate him on his recovery. Mr. Springer wore j es usual, afresh carnation in his button but-ton hole, and the democratic side was brilliant with these flowers, as Mrs. Springer bad sent a supply suffieent to decorate the lappels of all her husband's hus-band's associates. Mr. Springer's desk was covered with roses and carnations with a superb bunch of talla lilies rial |