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Show SUMMONS-4 In the inslice'3 court of Fountain Green precinct, pre-cinct, territory oi I'tah.connty of Sanpete, territory ot Utah, county of Sanpete. Janus A. Holinan plaintid" vs. John Doe defendant. Demand iio cents. To John hoe v,hose nair.e is otherwise unknown greeting: Villi are hereby summoned to appear before me. the undersigned at my oltlcu in Fountain Green precinct, Sanpete county, Utah tern torv, on Thursday (he 2Sth day of April A. D. i-'J2. at 10 o'clock a.m. to answer a complaint iiled auainst you iu this court, by the above named plainii n, on the Isth day of April A. lb. -i"'2. Jjiiid aution is brought to recover from you the sum of r.j ceids, for damages done to the said plaintin, by the" loilowing described One iron rrav niare about .1 years old, branded Son rigid shoulder. saol animal is he d nl ihe promises of George t'rowlhcrm Ft, fireen precinct, and you are hereby notilii-d that If you fail to so "appear, and nnsw cr as above required, 'the plaintiff mil take judgement ugamst you tor said sum ol eo cents, nnd for cuvis ot keeping eaidani- To Ihe shrrih or any constable ol aaul county," greeting:. Make legal service and due returns thereon, tiiven under may bund this 20th dav of April A. 1. liui. H. C. Hansen lioc-s, Justice ot the Peace, |