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Show "ANTHCNY CORLEAR." The Pyramid, as will be seen in another an-other columu, takes th.s paper to taek for an article recently printed over the signature of "Anthony Coriear." The author is responsible, aud.for its apteir-auee, apteir-auee, this j mrual is equally responsible. respon-sible. At the same time, it has nothing out good will aud an earnest desire to strengthen its fiieudship for Jioont Pleasant. So far as The Sentinel is concerned, 6very- person hinted at in the communication are waim friends of IhU journal, and it is farthest from this paper's likes and interests to malign, insult, or injure them. I The SENTINLL should have occasion to make any point against tho parties releircd o, It will tot ute a "Coriear" Signature nor any other. Believing the com mnnicalUn at most wouid be received, as undoubtedly the author intended, in a hisppy tpirit, the same was given space. It has not, as cur contemporary is lead to believe, and haste is used in smoothing down the feathers. Se far as the stricture placed upon this paper for criticising the Pyramid's 'X" correspondent, this paper only assisted as-sisted that journal. It 13 far from tight to use the columns of a newspaper for a purely persensl warfare, tnd it is reai with less grace and with suspicion as io Us good faith, when uttered uuder a non de plume. So far from seeking to injure our eis ter city, Manti is proud of her. To be sure there are narrow-minded people in all adjoiuirjg cemmuuities who can see no good in the r.val towu. Ail thi-.e ot our largo cil its contain piopio vs ho criticise the other. They are entitle 1 to the tatisfaction 't gives them, aud, in this case, it will not break ! ouat Pleasant. She Is ambitious to be the county seat, and is making an honorable honor-able fight for the same in tee face ot oddB against her impossible to ever-come. ever-come. Whether she wins or looses in the race she remains Monnt Pleasant just the same aud her people will be just aa honorable, just as patriotic, just as full of vim, courage and determination deter-mination as she now is before the battle she will precipitate. Win or lose The Sentinel salntes our northern Sanpete rival and friend. |