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Show I l The Salt Lake Music Dealers. if I ) PIAos 250,000 ESTEY ORGANS IN USE, zested .. E r..l EVKRYnnSG I THE MP8IO LINE KVKR YTHiN'G IX THE Mrsir, USB Ayer's Pills Excel all othf rs as a faintlj moiliuine. They are suiled to every constitution, old and ymmg, and, being sugur-coatx'd, are agree-ahle agree-ahle to take. I'urely vegetable, they leave no ill effects, but strengthen and regulate the stoinaeli, liver, aud bowels, and restore every organ to its normal Junction. For use either at home or abroad, on land or sea, these Fills Are the Best. 'Ayer's I'ills have been used in my famlly forover thirty years. We iind them an excellent ex-cellent medicine in fevers, eruptive diseases, and all bilious troubles, and seldom call a physician. They are almost the only pill used in our neighborhood." Kedmon 0, Comly, Kow Landing t. (.. W. Feliciana Parish, La. "I have .been in this country eight years, ano, during aV this time, m-ither I, nor any member of my family have mcd any ether kind of medicine than Ayer's Pills, but these we always keep at hand, and I should not now how to get along without then.." A. W..Soderberg. Lowell. Mass. "I have used Ayer's Cathartic Tills as : Family Medicine tor 35 years, and tl.y have always given the utmost satisfaction." .lames A. Thornton, Hloomington, Tnd. "Two boxes of Ayer s pill cured me of severe headache, from which 1 was- hng i sufferer." Fmma Keves, Jluhbardstonn, "Mass. Ayers Rills, Dr. J. C. AYEH & CO., Lowell, Mas. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. Woven ESIHPBHp WIRE 11 LLullikJia c RABBIT AND POULTRY IT-MtA,) KOI! IT It ill kit INrOUM.'.llilN. The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., 118 and KO A. Market Kt., t hlcugo. The Temple Hotel! Jl'nlu Street ll.iiitl. First Class Accommodations All tliosn vis'ting the Tnnjple should in-iviirr- for this boMP. Free conveyance ('" the Tfiuple every (Imv. Also Hay, (.rain and Stabling. JcJL Jizalf C'rcyrieicr. STONECUTTER AND CARVER. rY. o vw so wes sv VA A Specially. Cut Rook Fronts for I.ni id ing Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Cni-m r of First North and M ai n SR.. Manti. Baldness is catching says a f cienli t. j It's citching flies in summer time. Use Hall's flair Renewer aud cover the bald place with healthy hair and flits won' tronble. pay. Callon'.iraddress F. E M iiler, Manti. . i . V tC S O Vs. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. -DEALERS Is Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite Titliinp; Office on Main street, Manti. PATENT OR FEENO is nitre book free. Adfress . W. T. H I' UKKAI.1, AtCy-at T.aw, j Cor. stl, and r' Sla , Washington, r. C. THE UTAH CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for its ' SILVER BRAND" CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1891. HENRY WALLAH-:. - Manager. EBST GT OT'I-XXINTGt- STOCK IN .MANTI TTJTTLE & CO. p '' .: Buy Q'M HNDERSiM CPY i'. -: ---''' -.crir .sS G-eneral t2vercHd2dIse BOOTS AND SHOES At bottom prices. Main Street, Manti, Utah. GEORGE A. LOWE Salt. Lake City, Utah, dealer in all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Reaper., Crown Mowers, Hodges' Headers, Planet Junior Horse Hoes and Garden Tools, Superior Tress Grain Prills, the J. I. Case , Threshing Machine, Ames' Steam Engine,' Left'el Turhine Wheels, Lane San- and Shin-pie Shin-pie mill. Agencies in all the principal towns in Sanpete and Sevier counties. Sch uttler Farm and Freight Wagons PiiiiiiiU and Pipe Filtiiif Done on Short Notice : MACHINERY OK ALL KIND REPAIRED AND AU. WORK WARRANTED hi r7sloan, For n i i y 1 1 1 i i y in the line of lioiseshoeiiij,', tire senilis; and general repaiing work. It will inv you to l.itr youv Crockery, ' Lamps and ' Silverware GlaSS of us. . BEST GOODS LOW PRICES CALLOWAY, HOOGK & CO. 35 West First South. Salt" Lake, Utah N NO SECOND CHANCE, ff Ferry's Seed Annual for 1802 j rD.M.FERRY&CO.,Detro;t1!.?icli if Lirf.s" f m SALE in large and small quantities, tor furlher j - particulars wine or apply to CRAWFORD , .t . niX'HA.NAN, MANTI, I J : . UTAH. y'-h I r.ii.i .1 B ii & i Emu. a ;2 g aniy rocurrf in the United States nnil IVicicrn nun- 40tkf,a.iiK - Ve t-iwvial aWmiUt to PiK.,1 .leiics, l!;a.le-iaari;i.r'tne1".r!?''u "" - "Xnto'.-meiit. se..pe and vab.iiu-ai'U' vab.iiu-ai'U' e"i-;r'-', ,cirost''"liM' .leleie ol Our I ..ok ol i:i-triieti.i.is, terms, etc.. s,;Uj,.-t. Z-JSOIT EBOTEZiES, qui;:!.!o Bui tiing. 1003 F St., Washirgion. D. C. Ut-Y' -I- l three M-ltnr f ir p.-.-taire on fcaa,,. .mu-iihi-lraied l.ookl.;. inveiiti-.c r-nvrcs- ' li.l our I. .pic.il qiKin.j centennial pmnpMet !. .r nvito.i, MuimftUtirerit. and patentees issia-.t l our twenty-kith yezr of practice as specialists |