OCR Text |
Show ESTRAY NOTICE. I have in my possession the following, described de-scribed aiiiiintls: One roam steer, square crop of left ear: brandedjion left hip; two years old. one white steer, upper ami nnder lope in right ear and brantied JU, combine, on right ribs : years old. one brindle heifer, sipia're clop andswoUow fork in left ear: - years obi-one obi-one light red cow. guarc crop and uBder slope in left oar. brand resembling J. S A on leit hip: 4 years old. (Hie light bay horse, star in forehead, right nind foot white nnd branded S Mori left thigh , 3 years old. One sorrel mare, branded N H on right sh..ni.i-:.r:7yea-s old. one black mare onevene old. One bay mare, left hind foot and leg part one brown mare, star in forehead, left bio' foot white, branded 23 over eg on left thigh, 2 years old. hiii! bav horse, while feet, stripe iu face, bran-led GS on left thigh, 2 years old. It hey are not elaiiued and taken away within ten (iays from date of this notiee will In-sold et the eity estrav pound, at 10 o'clock May 3, 1SJ2, to the highest eush bidder, '1. K. ssow. City Foundkeeper. Iiated.Manti this -.'3d day of April. |