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Show Notice-NumberS-Notice is hereby given by tiie city council of Manti city, of the intbntlon of said council to make the following Uesciibed iinprovemeot to wit: The laying of mains for a water system, first: Commencing at point on Main street opposite Manti City Savings ttank and running run-ning east four blocks on Union street, at a probable cost of nine hundred and tiftv-tive dollars (fy'5). Second: commencing on Main street near city hall, and running east on second North street to a point, opposite tbe residence of Jens F. Steek, at a probable cost of one thousand aud sixty-one dollars m.OtUj. Third: Commencing on Main street near the residence of John H. Hougaard and running east on Third tfortb, street four and one quarter ) blocks, at a probable cost ot one thousund and twenty five dollars ($1,025). Fourth: Commencing on Main street near Te mple Hotel, and running west four an'l one haif 40 blocks on Fourth North st.reet, at a probable cost of one thousand and twenty-tire twenty-tire dollars ($1,025). The estimated ;costg thereof are to be met by a local nt-sepsment upon the lots or parcels of ground within the following described district, being the riistricts to be affected or benefitted by said improvements, viz: Ali lots or parcels of ground lying on either iif of the above (specified streets of the proposed Ali pTOtcets and objections to the carrying out of stun intention must be presented in writing to the citv recorder on or before the twenty-second twenty-second 2J1 day uf February, A I.,lrif-2. being the time set by said council when it will hear nnd consider euch objections as maybe made By ordtr of the city council of Manti city. N. "V. andkkcow. City hecorder Pated January 30, 1893. |