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Show , The Nephites. j The ever popular Nephi String band put in an appearance last Thursday and a party was on the program at once. The band in made np with Joseph Dar-toii Dar-toii rornetist, George Foot flute, Charles H. Sperry firot violin, Alonzo L. Sperry second violin, II. M.McCune donble bass and, with our Hans Larsen as prompter were ail that could be wanted to make the occasion a social success. Messrs. M. H. Speny, Will Lowry, Stephen Yorhees, Joseph Hansen and T. C. Axtlen, organized themselves into a reception committee and left nothing undone to make the visit one of enjoyment to their Nephi friends. Those present at the party were Mesdnmes E. V, Fox, Fred Keller. Holdeway, H Eamlose, James Barton, Jane Hague, C. Ostler, Larsen, Whitbeck and the Misses Millie and Eliza Eellar, Clara and May Mnnk, Francis and Charlotte Clark, Bell and lone Fox, Yomie Fnnk, Christie and Anna Ludv.gson, Minnie Jaspersen, Zetta Hongaard, Ella Hongaard, Mira Metcalf. Meda Stringham, Yernie Snow, Susie and Ovauda W'iibeck, 'Sarah and Julia Ritchie, Mamie and Sabra Hall, Izena Anderson, Bell Tenuant, Henriette and Etile Cox, Beiphia Jolley, Kate Brown, Maggie aud May Fielding, lna Peacook, Eliza, Emma and Lily Metcalf, Pemie Jone9, Goldie Stringham, Sara Citiberg, Zella Anderson, Lena Jensen, Martha and Chrictine Wodskow, Ida. Dora and Ethel Lowrv, Mima Scott, Ettie Anderson Ander-son and others. Also in the way were Messrs. Snow, Keid, Luke, Keller-Holdeway, Keller-Holdeway, Riddle, Brown, Sperry, Lowry Yorhees, Hansen, Axelson, Eamlose, Stringham, Ludvigson, LeRoy, Atwood, Bradford, Yatson, James, Peacock, Johnson, Miller, Ahlstrom, R6id,Willson Felt, Stringham, Miller, Walker, lYit-beck, lYit-beck, Eass, Denhalter, Lowry, Brown, Ktiiner, Billings, Cox, Metcalf, Alder, Olsen, Riddle, Wilson Madsen, Tuttle, Vod;kow, Anderson, Bradley, Ostler, .Moffitt Sorenson, Erickeen and Patten, j The visiting musicians were enter-;taijfd enter-;taijfd after the paTty by the Young j Men's baud and the hours before the ! arrival of the morning train to take 'them home were made pleasant. Their mnsic was pronounced good by all who were favored and an invitation to come again is nnanimonsly issued. |