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Show ant time. After the dance three disciples dis-ciples of hoodlnuiism, who were under the 'influence of liquor, were promenading prome-nading around town exercising their vocal organs in a manner that was of an annoying nature to people who were trying to sleep. One gentleman whom the trio were serenading, did not seem to appreciate their kindness, as he lodged a complaint against them for disturbing tiie peace. They were taken before Justice Banter who assessed them $5 each. Xot having the necessary funds to meet the tax. they will be guests of the city for the next live days. The petition to the superintendent of the Rio Grande Western, asking for a depot at this pli.ee, was forwarded to that gentleman some time since. This week word was received that the petition peti-tion had been granted and that work would be commenced as soon as the weather permits. This will bo an improvement im-provement that all will be thankful for- Phizabeth Allred, wife of Bishop Allred, is at present very low with pneumonia. pneu-monia. She has been sick for some time. Fears are entertained as to her recovery. President John R. Murdock.of Beaver, and Waiter Cox, of Provo spoke to the people here on Sunday evening in the interest of Sabbath schools, 1 The appearance of the Young Men's Co-op building has been .improved by the Daint that baa been applied by Mr. Beckstrom. . -. The brass band is to commence work on an opera house is abount two weeks. This is something that is greatly needed in our midst. The improvement in the Sentinel is something we have hoped for. for a long time. " If this muddy weather continues much longer a stilt factory wil 1 be in order. The Snnday School Dramatic club will present "The Dead Witness" here next week. The schools are making arrangements to observe Washington's birthday. The tramp fraternity is well represented repre-sented at present. Dr. Allen is seen in town' frequently of late. Andrew. SPRING CITY. I On Thursday night the children of the primary association were given a dance at Crisp's hall. They had a pleas- |