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Show lsVSTERI dlu Gauge - t'nrient time table in effect January I, No. II U ives Mam'i fir Thistle, 6:30 ail. - Ko. 1" m iives at ifanti from Ttistle, 3:50 pro. No, 1 leaves Thistle for alt point9 north and So.i leaves Thistle for all points north and west at 10 r pm. No. 2 leaves Thistle for all points south and ea?t at 12:ol pm. No. 4 leaves Thistle for all points south ami east at 1-J. :a am. No. IS leaves UpriOfrville for E urek a a t 5 :5 piu ; i'.'iui bm. Xo. 14 arrives at Springvilie iroiu bun: it 1 1.1 S:15 am. No 3 arrives at Salt Lake from Springville i it k i at l..:o5 am. No. o leaves Salt Lite for Springville and h. lire til al 4 pin. No. n leavfs Salt Late for Os Jen at 8 :50 ami returning. N'u. io arrives at Salt Lake from No. 7 leavas Salt Lake for Biogham at 8 am ; vuturning So. 8 arrives at Sail Lake from BRU'lj,iu at 6 pin. Nos 1 aud 11, -2 and 12, 1 aud 13. and 2 and H make connections. Pullman Palsce Sleepers on ail through trains. No changes, elGse connei'tious, saicty, speed and comfort. D 0 DODtiE, J. H BENNETT General Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pasa Agt. A. E. WELBT, Gen'l SuBt. General Oilu ea, Salt Lata City Utah |