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Show THE MANTi ROLLER MILLS ! LOUIS F. BECKER, LESSEE. y MAMTyClHKl-K OF THE BEST uBADES OP FLOUR Si Oi'li rs .in. j. Cone, irin!,-iu'e boli(-itml. Custom Work a Specialty. PROFESSIONAL. ri B. NEWTON', painter a-jd Decrator. Arlistic Sign Work a Specialti.-. Manti, . Utah. STRINGHAM ft STI.INGHAM. Sentinel Art I'li-Lors. 1'hotoyrapherfl . Main Street, Manti. H. SPEKRY TONSORJAL ARTIST Manti, Vttib. J J. HANSLS, General Housebuilder. P. O. Box 69, Manti, I'Uu. DOCTH & WILSON, " Attorneys at taw and Land Office Agents S3 North J street, l'rnvo, Utabi TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Work, Style, Fit and Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor's Trimmings Always on Hand. Suit9 Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T; Re i d, PROBATE ATTORNEY A-fiT0 LAND AC3-3i3JSrr.T? ALL S1N0S of Probate business- promptly attended at-tended to, and titles secured to Land under the various entries Office, Court House. -Manti, Utah. THE TEMPLE DRUG i STORE THERE 13 ALWAYS ON" HAND i FULL SC.Ffi.1 O Lily of the Valley " VAIXKY TAX KE1IKMKS - H into K..!1(. FACE PO'.VJjEkS . Vll.it.. Lilac PERKl'MBS COLtRIN'd LINIMENT Jockey Club T - Xa Mown Day J - GAKFTULD TEA .PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. THE MANTI Wilkes & 6hadwiek, LAND AGEHTS AND ATTORNEYS, SALT LAkE CITY, - UTAH. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. DEALERS IN Oolite and Marble' Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite T-ithing Office on Main street, Manti. GITY DEHG ST02E, HEADQtJARTESS FOR Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery. Per-fumery. Toilet Articles, Etc. (Perscriptions Caifv'Sly filZ&3, di ' alZ Jiov.ts. MRS. I. B. BRUNEL, Prop DENTIST. U-FIRST-CLASSWORK.i 8MTIE TREATMENT 6URHTEED. WANTI. - - - - IfJAH Mercantile Institution Invite altPLtion totheir large and varied assoriment of ladies Newmaikeis, Jackets Jack-ets ami Shawls-, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies'and misses' Muslin and Merino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Huts, Caps, " Boots, - Shoes Rubbers Arctics, Hose, Gloves and Mittens, Fascinatois in great variety; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in ail shades; 54-fnch all-wool Suitings at 60 cents pel yard; Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1. 25 per yaid. , k ujju ,iMiiiiiiMi.,i.irwnig'iwaiaw!iwiiiMaaMMaMtjaMMiaaiajjLaMii TUTTLE&STACEY, lire Insurance. MANTI.' - - - - iUTAH Authorized Agents for the fol ' lowing Companies : ' Etna of Hartford, Hartford nf Hartford Santlncntalof . Y. Home of New York Columbia of Portland, Ohio. STONECUTTEriS AND CARVERS. A Specially. ' Cut Rock Fronts for Buildings Neatly Neat-ly Executed, ' Two blocks West of Lowrj' Store, Manll. The Temple Hotel ! Main Street, Manti. iFirst Class Accommodations -AU those visiting the Temple should inquire in-quire for this house. Free conveyance to the Temple every day. Also Hay, Grain and Stabling. John E. Jdefcalf (Proprietor. BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer. W.B.PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, -. W. W. BURTON, SEO. A. SNOW. t DIRECTORS. -'- FfiOBlIU liJA T ft! uUuiijIi. WMllU JayEyeSeeK) Canton Sulky Clipper Plows Steel plows McCORMACK';MACHNiE8 CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always carrv a full stock of Wagons. Buggies and farm implements. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Jlilford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Manti Co-op, . - . - Agents. C.S.WILKES. OFFICE IN U. S LAND OFFICE BUILOIHG Land Agent & Attorney Obtains Patents for Agricultural and Mineral Lands. |