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Show W, VAU6 O 22 ami 24 West Second South St. 228 Salt Lake City, Utah. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in JJaise Your Own Fish.- GEEMAN GAIiP, one year old, at $5 per Hundred at (Ponds. For sale by Charles Musig, residence qqsrte mile south of Funk's Luke, Sterling, Sanpete county, liUli Territory. . F ERR ON CO-OP. I-RAI KHS IN ' . General Jlercli and ise Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything I5elonging to a First-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South . of Price. Ferron - - Utah, : .,....., i . , ,,.,. ...... Ij.me. Mctc.ll,PreiJent S ' TVl - If Albert Tattle, Treasurer C ) JiB tfiu-ir, : James Cowen, Managor. i lleory McKeoui, s 1 , N . C Christeuseii. j THE CE2ST,T-.IL COMPANY . DEALER IS Wool - Hides Pelts Twine Wool Sacks Etc. - Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTT LE & CO, - - Manti. Utah. Sporting Goods Guns, Auironuition, Cutlery, Pishing: Tackles, Base Ball Goods. Shooting Clothing, Cloth-ing, Rubber Coats, and Boots, Tin mso i Boots and Shoes, Dumb Bells, KeMln; Koils and Masks, Indian CI .os, Boxing Gloves, Chapperel Lengings Poker Che ks. Playing Cards, Dominoes 3 Pate Men Sifdi, K.iill and Opera Glasses. HEADQUARTERS FOR Bicycle3. Tricycles, Valocipedea Police goods, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. See rue before urchasing .General .Gen-eral repairing. PATENT R fEEn A 48-pige book free. AuYress W. T. FITZ GERALD, Alt'y flt Law, Cor. Htu and F Sis , Washington, D. 0. FRED G. WILLIS. DEALER IS. .... General Merchandise Agent for Studebaker Bros. Wagons, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers and Reapers. post office, SAUNA, - UTAH. H. A.Tucket Candy Co, '850 E. 1st St. Bait XjoIs-o Olty, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largest Steam Factory in the West. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. At The CBiCifio Stokk. The largest li:ieof felt booola, gum boote, rubbers and overshoes ever broncrt into Sanpete county, and they were bought cheap and are sold cheap Kelts $1 and rubbers for the boots from $1.25 to $1.40, $1.50 to $2. Come early and avoid the rush. At The Chicago Stork. The largest lino of felt boots, gum boots , rub ers aud overshoes evershoes, ever brought into Sanpete county. They weie tought cheap and are sold cheap. Felts $1 and $1.25 to $1.40, 41.50 and $2. Come taiiy and avoid the rush. GETTING READY FOR SPRING For the next 30 days we wiil sell all goods on hand even cheaper than our usual low prices to make room for our immenfe stock of spring goods which will soon arrive. Call at the Chicago etore and bo convinced., 11. E. Taylor, Proprietor. . '(I rt th' t sj-- - r.. k f, ffcg UP !!rX tA C j ",-MlCAOO. H UNIOH SQUARE. N. Y J.h'r, 25 CENTS FOR A Fountain Pen Send 25 cents to National Advertising Co., 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago, get one of our lale patent Fountain Penholders. Pen-holders. Every pen warranted. 3 for 50c. Liberal terms to agents. Best selling sell-ing pen ever made. Retail trade supplied. sup-plied. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention this Paper. TITLED MEN COM MEND IT. Washington, d. 0. Dr. Bosanko Hi picine Co., After i. urn suffering and tho use of many remedies, I have received great relief and am nearly well from a violent attack of piles, lasting four or five weeks, from the use of less than one bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, aud I take great satisfaction in commending it to others. Very Truly j ours, COL. P.. Q. DANIELS, Dlt. BOSANKO. PARKLT53BURG, W. Va, Dkar Siit:-U. S. Judge, John J. Jackson Jack-son of our place, recommended to me yonr pile enipdy. Please send mo a box. Yours truly, CliAS. II. RARTLETT, D. B. S. Sold at 50 cents by fUrt-R. Buunkl. E. lYI WORKS PEOPRIKIOR OF THE All klndsof Siding, Moulding, Flooring, Doors, Windows, Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to order. One block wesi from the Temple hotel. j3lRD OF THE jOREST. L 0. May Bickley. 1. Binlofthe for - est beau-ti - ful bird; Singing your songs a- 2. Bird of the for - est beau-ti - ful bird Tell him I'll wait to - 3. Bird of the for - est beau-ti - ful bird Already the shades ap- -sr- "C- d- e buvrf Filling my heart with mu - sic sweet : Fly to the night, When the moon's beaming o'er the hill Andstarsare pear The otin is sink - iug in the west Then fly to "ST- Si j one I love. Tell him I'll meet him by moon - shiu - ing blight. Fly to him bird of the lor - him so dear. Tell him my heart is yearn - V m" m . -m a- -B- -m- "S3" ST light l'n-der the haw- thorn tree; For well I est Haste with this message from me, . Tell him I'll ing To be with him once mote And hear tae knoT he is wait - iug For this lit- tie let ter from! me. meei him by moon - light Un - der the hawthorn tree, words of af - fee - tion, He whispered o'er and o'er. s, i h H' ir i -si Chorus. Bird of the for - est, Beau-ti - ful bird ; Sing ing your jm. .A. j. . .C2- -mu -M. songs a - bove, Fill - ing my hoart with -0-$ 1 1 r-, r-l -I r3- 1 r-JTr-J n mu - sic sweet, Fly to the one I love. COALTER & SNELGROVE I Music and Musical Instruments Ostler & Sons, Nephi, Utah. BEMfos 'mom, Manti. - - - Utah t Dealers tn Harness.Saddles.Bridles.Etc. Tents and Wagon Covers Parties dealring anything in these lines, can save money by trading here, as we have a large stock on hand, at price that Defy Competition. GOOnS GUAKANTEJfiD T! BE First Olasas. Ordenby Mail promptly attended to Next door North of Co op Store, Main St., Manti. Money Ions' r. I ii n ( r t , Yi tte Jewelry, GauBetc, at thej California . Collateral 3 West Second Smith street, corner of Main, White House bloefe, Salt I.Hke City. Goods can tie sent to ns through any express company and advances will be mado Hoods left on hand will be sold at big bareains. Give ns a call. The most reliable place in the territory. Y--tra '" t-- Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritions, with the medicinal virtues of plants knoT-n to be most benefic'.al to the human system, forming the ONLY PERFECT PER-FECT REMEDY to act gently vet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleanse ih System Effectually, PURE BLOOD, ' REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manufactured Manu-factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. San Francisco, Cai.. Lorwnu.t, Kv. NbwYo.N I PILES CURED. BAFE CURE OR HQ IAT TlavLutibiained the exclusive right for Sevier Se-vier valley, I am prepared to treat reotnl diseases dis-eases under T, A. winter, b new tieatinent. PILES permanently cured without surgical treimient. No detention from business.' j NO PAY UNTIL CURED Dr. C. MAdsen, tia Una, Sevier Co |