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Show The City Council. The city fathers met iu regular session on Monday evening, Mayor Shomaker presiding. Prayer was said by councillor Beaeey. The minutes of the proceeding session were read and approved. The petition of Luther Tuttle and others, asking for an extension of the water mains to Third North, and running run-ning west four blocks, was, n?ad and referrod to the committee on water works. The petition of Otto Otteson aud others for an extension of tie water system oh Pecond South street was re ferred to the same committee. A communication was read from A. E. Merriam, assessor and collector, recommending re-commending an appropriation for the remittance of city taxes for the following follow-ing persons: Mrs. Christian Madsen, Sanfoid Forbush, Andrew G, Jenson. An appropriation of 12 30 was made. The mortuary report of George Bratih wait. Sexton of the Manti cemetery showing the number and causes of deaths was presented. Anderson, in behalf of supevisor 0ox, reported that the foot bridge crossing City creek near Ole Sweusen's place n-as completed. After allowing- some misceilanous accounts the conn cil adjourned. |