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Show Professor . Xelsoa was surprised last uiizht. John S. Kl.iin of priii. city, called on us today. The happiest person in town Is Clare Real, helms a new Crown piano. George Whitlock of Hay field for trying try-ing to paint Gunnifbu red, got Cfty days in lite eountySjail besides a pair of black eyes. A paity of young and older people gave a surprise on Thursday evening, to Airs. Sarah Boll Peacock, at her residence resi-dence 011 Thinl Ka.it street. MANTI. JIaster Lelaud Metcalf and sister, called yesterday. Mr. Brown, representing the Salt Lake Herald called Tuesday. The new discovery near Sterling proves to be manganese. The church school teachers institute convenes at Ephraim today. Hall & Erickson are at work making the county jail more secure. A Skandinavian democratic gathering gather-ing at the assembly hall this evening. Ephraim Intends to wear the bae ball laurel this year, so they say. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stringham were pleasantly surprised last evening. The officers are keeping the stock from running at large on the sfreet3. - Joseph Mackey aud Alexander Reid, have gone np the Sevier - to locate a ranch. Some vary appropriate, and creditable improvements are being mad on the tithing block. Mr. W. A, Cox informs us that at this time last year there was at least four feet more snow in she mountains east of town than there, is at present. Subscribe for the Salt Lake Semi-tYeekly Semi-tYeekly Herald, the biggest, best and liveliest family newspaper in the west. Get your premium receipt. Only $3 per year. The base ball fever has "struck the town, and as a result there will be a meeting at this office, on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of organizing for the coming .summer. Dr. Maeser made the Manti seminary a visit on Wednesday, and expressed himself as being well pleased with the milliner in which the church schools are conducted in the Temple City. The teachers institute will convene at Ephraim next Friday at 5 p. m. Each teacher will be expected to give the "device" nsed for the teaching of geography geog-raphy in his respective grade. $1800 worth of spring clothing jnst received at Tnttle & company's. Call at Tuttle aud company's if you want to see the latest styles and paterns in spring clothing. i Mayor Shomaker and Marshal Snow made a Hying trip to Sterling yesterday, for the purpose of inspecting the new mineral claims recently located just below the Gunnison reservoir. F. R. Camlland of Chester, called at our office on Thursday, and reported everything as moving quietly in that part of the county. Before leaving he put his name on our subscription list for the coming year. In a short time a stone wall will be erected on the south side of the tithing biock simitar to the one on the north side. The object of the wall will be to prevent the Hoods from overflowing the lot owned by the church. Tne North Ward Primary association, are having a dance in Grier's hall this afternoon. .- The Sentinel receives a complimen-' complimen-' ' tary notice from the Ephraim Enter-J prise. Thanks. J. S. Weaver is practicing law at Richfield ia connection with Lawyer Sprague. Success. Sperry, the barber, says he hasn't entirely recovered from the effects of the Nephi band dance. IV. A. Cox, road supervisor, is doing what he can in the way of bettering the condition of our streets. The city council had their pictnres taken last Tuesday for Stevenson Stringham's city directory- Miss Maggie Fielding wilP leave for Salt Lake on Monday next, where she will remain for a few days. Walter Stringham & Sons have their lime kiln going and will have plenty of lime about the first of the week. Dr. F. R. Eenner, who has been quite sick, is recovering and soon will oe able to resume his position at the City drug store. Professor Nelson, made us a pleasant call yesterday. He says he is exceedingly well pleased w'th the change made in the paper. George Ha ft, who has been laid np for a couple of weeks with the grip, was seen on onr streets today, enjoying the spring-iike weather. S. H. Towles, representing the Deseret News Co., ealied at this office the early part of this week. He reports business . good through the valley. John Mills of the Provo academy, is yiating at Manti, and Nelson reports aycant seat in his seminary and can hear the hum of the Mill it Agitates. - Considerable excitement hi.3 been caused by the discovery of what appears to be a rich yien of ore just w est of William Dickson's place at Sterling. - Miss Minnie Jasperson left yesterday morning for Ephraim to visit friends and to make arrangements for giving lessons in pen and brush paintiug. She returns this morning. On Thursday the Brs.Hosford brought to Manti a sample of the ore found in their prospect in the mountains west of Manti across the river. It is full of dark green stains and may prove valuable. valu-able. Jens Madsen, called at this office on .Thursday and expressed himself as being well pleased with the paper. Before Be-fore leaving, he settled hi3 Bubscripiion for the year. A. W. Bessey made us a similar call. Who will be the neit? " Information has been received from ihe county superintendent that regnlar Friday night sessions of school teachers will ba dispensed with indefinitely for the present, until the roads become better. Due notice will be given when the condition it the road permits. Br. Carl G. Maeser of Provo, general superintendent of the Mormon church schools, lectured on "Education" at the tabernacle, Wednesday night. President Presi-dent Maiben presided and. there were singing and prayer. The lecture proved yery interesting. Messrs. John Reid, James Tatton, Peter Madsen, Arthur Parsons, Ole Nelson, Nel-son, H. R, Sloan ani tweive others; have about completed an organization in the ownership of a dark bay shire stallion recently brought here from Wisconsin. The animal is a thorongh- ' hredand a splendid specimen, strong, - massive, well-built, weighing now 1950 pounds, he presents the appearance of, being worth the amount of his purchase, $1,800. On Wednesday, our genial friend and first assistant on the press, Andrew Apelgren "Dad," was married at the temple to Mrs, Rasmina Sophia Ras-mnsen. Ras-mnsen. It is the lady's second venture, she being the mother of six children and a former resident of Santaqoin. The Sentinel unites with his other friends in wishing them a smooth sea, plenty of wind, a prosperous voyage, ' and a crop sufficient for their utmost wishes. May he long continue to turn the press and his wife and children will raise np and bless him in his old age. |