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Show Various Thimbles- Maybe yon never stopped to think about it, but there are heaps of character charac-ter in thimbles. Watch a woman whom fate allots a reasonable liberty of choice when she goes about buying one, and you will find out a deal about the deeps and shallows of her nature. If vain, she bnys gold gorgeous, gaudy, and often so small that it pinches cruelly a finger nature nover meant to tapesi Contrariwise, if she be of sober mind she aims for an easy fit with good deep margins and needlethreading attachment. attach-ment. Snch a dear soul is apt to prefer silver, and put the difference into something some-thing else. The selfish woman strictly in the possessive case gets her thimble set with diamonds or turquoise, or else half covered with precious enamels. And the fiiry, fairy she w ho trifles with fancy-work for the air it gives goes and bnys her a china thimble whose whits and pink and pearl harmonize perfectly with her-own Dresden shep-erdess shep-erdess prettiness. |