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Show For a third of a century the nam Calumet baa Mood a the emblem of . the beet baking powder. Its steady i growth of favor has reached such pro portion that today th sale of ) ' (SSMSUSSSW- ! The Economy BAKING POWBEil U 2U time as much a that of any w other Brtnd. A ff Thii la the best proofof Its superior V ((, -merits of the wholesome tooda that it alwaye producea of the vlSI economical and unfailing results 1"?) alwaya obtained where it la uted. p-.rA Calumet containa only such ingro if J dienta at bmt been officially approv V V ed by the United States Pure Food VJLJ authorities. Haa more than the ordinary leavening strength, there- V fore you use lets. The most depend - tv&g able of all leaveners, Slr THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDElj V Cuticura Soap Imparts - The Velvet Touch Saaa 25c, Ointment 25 ni 50c, Tttcaa 25c. f&&ZR4 PARKER'S iWFfc HAIR BALSAM RmemiDuMra(I-tpcllairrJl)B If J Rortora. Color and "I'D. I Baatrty to Cray and Faded Hah HINDERCORNS ftmm CVraa, Cat' loan, cm., rein all paia. Munw confurt lb feet, mkr aiktn . It bj mail or at Una (111. UuoasCawulcal WarkkraloauvaajlLX. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and e that it Bears the srtr Signature of OSxyT&CCl In U.w for Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria I Msordered Staadu I Take a good dose of Carter's Little liver Pills IrTPTCiVgl then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. wAK I ILK O You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to . CI ITTLE follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, ii ' Tf IVER Dizzines9,SickHeadache,UpsetStomachandforSallow, L, If PILLS Pimply' Blotchy Skin. Theg end the mttery of Conil'patiott. IlLVsKrWTXJ lXZ? j&jGSZwt S"n P01; Sm.fl D.i.;S-l Prlc I III 111 II I WPf-r ii." f.-l-lllamH.IILHlWi XJtlJPI'i iiawi,wie ddll tPlSlI Gives Cheerful Hew Color Tono to Old Curtains Uiyj Ugiill) PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish H in, n , , an i innin "'" i , - -..a:..-, v. v. -rr' 1 ri in I ;J ': TT isn't so much a question of the number of hours , I f you spend in bed, as it is of the quality of the I I sleep you get. Is your sleep sound and restful, or is I it fitful and unrefreshing? j j I One common cause of wakefulness at night is over-I over-I stimulation from coffee drinking. For coffee contains i - caffeine which irritates the nerves and frequently leads to I insomnia. I I Tba two forms of j If you have any idea that coffee keeps you awake at Pontnm r equally d 1 f night, or makes you nervous, make a change from coffee to licious; and the coet w I delicious Postum. only .boat He per cu This pure cereal beverage contains nothing that can harm rir?',..t '? health, and its flavor is much like coffee. In fact, many V" "'Z, people prefer Postum for its flavor alone. Your grocer sells Postum in two forms: Instant Postum jClWfl (in tins) prepared insiantJy in the cup by the addition of boil- I P0STU??fcH ing water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who pre- 'renpii J i A fer to make the drink while the meal is being pre- ,7'thtAL pared; made by boiling fully 20 minutes. "r3"""' POStUITl FOR HEALTH g . Mad by Postum Cereal Company, Inc. J K ' SNBattta Creek, Mich. R ' |