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Show Western Brevities from the Many Western States San Francisco. John Swanson, by an unusual dispensation of Justice will, for a period of a year and threw months, give half of his monthly earnings earn-ings to Mrs. Jamos Bolt for having run dwon and .killed ner (husband with his automobile. ' Los AngeIes.--For the saving of two women from drowning,, William Cannon, Can-non, 16-year-old high school student of Los Angeles, .will receive a silver modal of the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America. ' Portland. Thirteen waterfront pickets pick-ets were arrested and fined S13 each for participating In disturbances while picketing in the waterfront strike now going on here. . Portland. The compulsory education educa-tion bill, put before Oregon voters by initiative petition, was pnsaid toy a comfortable majority, in excess ol 8000, The provisions of this bill have been much discussed, and also falsely reported, its enemies contending that It would close all private schools and eliminate all denominational schools. Yakima. Memaloose Island in the. Columbia river, for many years a burying ground for Indians, is to be abandoned as a cemetary, and bodies already there are being removed. Kansas City. -Montana will be represented re-presented by twelve head of Hereford cattle at the American Royal Live-stock Live-stock show to be held here in the new hulf-milllon-dollar building during November, No-vember, llio llerefords have , been entered by A. B. Cook of Townsend, Mont El Paso. Ignacio Habedo,N5 years old, is suffering from injuries received when he was attacked by a Hon In a Mexican circus showing here. The animal, according to mployees of the circus, was being starved, to fight a bull In the Juarez arena next Sunday afternoon. Gait, Cal. Rising; suddenly in Justice Jus-tice court, where his suit for $81 wages wag-es was being heard, B. E. Crookhnm, laborer, shot and killed E. L. Andrew's, An-drew's, prominent real estate man and promoter, Just as the latter had taken the stand. Uklah, Cal. Just after he had completed com-pleted a d.rmon at the funeral of Zechary Bartlett. his late friend of fifty years, the Rev. C. E. Pettis, a retired minister of the Methodist church, died here while he was on the way to the cemetery to read the buriul service over the body. San Francisco. As a result of the Argonaut mine disaster, In which forty-sewn men lost their lives, because of the lack of proper escape and fire-fighting fire-fighting facilities, a new set of laws governing the deep gold mines of the Mother Lode country may be adopted. San Francisco. George W. Mullen, house detective for the Fairmont hotel, was shot and wounded and a rank Perry, cashier of the hotel, was robbed of $2100 by three men near the entrance to the hotel. San Francisco Sixty-five building contractors, some of them the most promlent of this city, were held to answer to the superior court on a charge of violating the state antitrust anti-trust law. The complaint charges that conspired and combined to prevent other contractors from getting build, lag materials. Helena When a revolver the sheriff sher-iff was cleaning was accldently discharged dis-charged the wife of Sheriff Thomas U. Sprutt was instantly Killed. Roseburg The biggest timber sale In the history of the land office has boen recorded. Eighty million feet tributary to Coos Bay and Coquille were sold. Seattle Public officials throughout the state f Washington, who bare teen following wXJi interest the course of the telephone rate controversy in Oregon, are finding some points that inayhave important influence on tbe preparations to resist the Increase In tolephone rates proposed of this sjite. Salem Revision downward of tht motor vehicle license, consolidation oi the office of state sealer of weight .and measures with the state dalrj and food dejKirtniont, slowing down of (be state highway program und tightening up of the banking and corporation cor-poration laws of tho state, are only s fow of the cl langes sugKeuted in the present laws for consideration of th legislature at its next session in Jan . nary. |