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Show QHad Plenty JJHe Could -flardly Eat Even an expert chef for an up-to-date restaurant, with everything heart could wish in the eating line and the ; skill to preparo it In the most appetiz ing manner, finds life miserable and work a burden with his appetite gone and his health all broken up on account ac-count of stomach trouble. Accord'ng to his own statement, uch bad been the case for two years with William Lackey, 865 North Wells St. Chicago, 111., chef at a popular North Clark St restaurant, who says be recently found relief by taking Tanlac. Mr Lackey now boasts of a "wonderful "won-derful appetite and a stomach thai digests such things as bam and eggs, ' corned beef and cabbage, and rich pastries, pas-tries, foods that would have almost put me out of commission before I took Tanlac. " "Before I ran acrosi this medicine," said he, "I was having to lay off from my work for a week at a time just on account of the numerous Ills I suffered suf-fered from indigestion. But when I teU you I have gained fifteen pounds, eat and digest anything, and am on the Job every day feeling fine, you may know how I appreciate Tanlac." Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. I f-Adretisement 1UNG WOMEM OF MIDDLE AGE drt. Linton TeUs How Helpful Lydia E. PinkWs Vegetable . Compound is at His Period Denver. Colorado.' I have taken jydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-iiiiiiiiimiisiillii Com-iiiiiiiiimiisiillii lpourmorsevenyears llllliul 'lilll and I cannot tell you lr 106 Kd it has done I H' ma. It is good for f y young and old and I I always keep a bottle v S of it in the house, Ifiv flill for I am at that time Iff -" of life when it calls ' VI forLydia E. Pink-T Pink-T UJj ham's help. Myhus-4 Myhus-4 ' v, band saw your ad. in 1 the papers and said l'v" """ taken -jverythingyoucan think of, now I want rou to Uke Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vege-table Compound I' So I let him get it. md I soon felt better and he told me 'I want you to take about six bottles;' So I did and I keep house and do all my own work and work out by the toy and feel fine now. I teU every one about the Vegetable Compound, for so many of my friends thought I would not get well. ''-Mrs. R. J. Linton, I860 West 83d Avenue, Denver, Colorado. . After readina -etters like the above, and we are constantly publishing them, why should any woman hesitate to take ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Com-pound if she is in need of help? It beings relief where other medicines fail. SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, dtift-culty dtift-culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles LATHROP'S HAARLEM OIL bring quick ralltf and ofUn ward off , deadly ditMSM. Known M tht national ramady of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists. In thra siaaa. Laak far taa aaaaa CoU MaaVI M wtmr baa and aaeaa mo Imitatioa I Aspirin 5 Say "Bayer" and Insistl j . I Unless yon see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets' you are not get-"' get-"' ting the genuine Bayer product pre- I scribed by physicians oyer twenty-two J years and proved safe by millions for I Colds Headache J , Toothache .- Lumbago ' Earache Rheumatism I Neuralgia Pain, Pain I Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" j only. Each unbroken package contains I proper directions. Handy boxes of I twelve (ablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Asperln Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidester of i fiaUcylicacld. Advertisement FREEDOM FROM ( JAXATIVES Discovtry by Scientists Has Replaced Them. Pills and salts give temporary ra-lief ra-lief from constipation only at the expense ex-pense of permanent Injury, says an eminent medical authority. . Science has found a newer, better way a means as simple as Naturs Itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps the food waste soft and moving. But when constipation exists this natural nat-ural lubricant Is not sufficient Medical Medi-cal authorities have found that the gentle lubricating action of Nujol most closely resembles that of Nature's own lubricant. As Nujol Is not a laxative it cannot gripe. It Is In no sense a medicine. And like pure water it Is harmless and pleasant' Nujol Is prescribed by physicians used In leading hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Advertisement Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It AppEcaats for Insurance Often J Rejected. adgtag from reports from druggist - wa ai oiutaut!y in iirrct tcch v! fke public, there is one preparation thnt has been very auavetdfui in overcoming tbeae conditions. . The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ii ooa realised. It stands the highest for 1 it remarkabla reoord of auccesa. An examining physician for one of the praaainent Life Insurance Companies, in a interview an tba subject, made the astonishing as-tonishing statement that one reason why ao many applicants for iniuranoe are rejected re-jected is becauoa kidney trouble is so cbaiman to he American people, and the Urge majority of thase whose application! are deolined do aot even tuepect that they ' have the dinease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root is on sale at all drug atoret in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, it you wish first to teat this ; preparation aeiid ten cent to Dr. i Ktmer A Co., Ilinghamlon, N. Y., for ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention tbii pa par. Advertisement, I ' " J - - - -VA - i '" J J. E. Cox Portland, Oreg "I am a. man over seventy years of age and wort every day; am bale and hearty; and can truthfully say that Dr. Pierce's remedies have proven a wonderful help to me. I take a bottle of the Discovery now and then for Its toning up and tonlo effect I also trlod various reraedlea for constrpatlon and after finding tbe 'Discovery so good, I thought I would also try the Pleasant PeN lets and am glad to say that now I am enjoying excellent health, Jl E. Cox, 1278 Belmont Street. Keep yourself in the pink of con-dition con-dition by obtaining Dr. Plorce'a Golden Medical Discovery in liquid or tablets from your neighborhood druggist, or seri 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel la Buffalo, N, for trial pKg Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes That fteh and burn, by hot baths ef Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cutlcura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, especially espe-cially If a little of the fragrant Cutlcura Cutl-cura Talcum Is dusted on at the fin-bib. fin-bib. 26c each. Advertisement Mitchell eSS:SJ f othr Irritation. m. Tnolllmplartioixlf f.Vt 9 thl brli. aomjort- m-m fk aliarugvtMUttivmut, CJ " V HAIL A RUCSFX, h. M7Wrti PW.SfTirs For SORE EYES, |