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Show : I- This is your corner. Make use of it for your information on question that are puzzling you. It will be my pleasure and privilege to answer carefully care-fully and promptly all questions submitted to me. Your questions must be limited to two, ana your full name and address must accompany each letter. For special information send stamped envelope. All communications will always be held in absolute confidence. All letters should be addressed very plainly in pen and ink to Helen Brooks, Box 1545, Salt Lake City. )...,: ft 6 to them. I was born In January, what Is wr j lucky day and color? What would be good motto for school T Will you pleaa tell m what then name mean: Chloe, Delia. Roth, Violet and Evelyn. Wishing you ereat ana-cm ana-cm In anawerin my oueationi. and hopinS you can read my writinn, aa ever, your FRIEND, from Utah. I gladly welcome you, and your name ka been forwarded aa requested. For one born in January, Saturday la auppoaed to be the lucky day and the month March and November. Colon Col-on arc garnet, ailver, gray, brown and black. Of the uameo you wlh I find only Ruth, mean . j Ing "friend," Violet, meaning "wlolet," and Evelyn, meaning "life." The Latin pkrase, "Quanti at sapere." meaning "How desirable U wisdom and knowledge," would bt a mien- did achool or class motto. I Dear Mias Brooks : &. Will you kindly answer a few queatlone foe $ mat (1) Please tell me how old you think 1 t am by my writing. (2) Could you tell me where I could get the play. "The Stolen Flower Qjeen," and how much It would coat? I re- main, 1 JUST A SNOWFLAKE, Spring City. ! I will do the beat I can. Snnwflake. (1) I Probably thirteen or fourteen. (2) I do not locate the play. If I can later I will let you know ' Dear Mies Brooka : .Will you pleaae answer the following que- tionj. (1) How shou'd a in her ' name In a Hotel Register T (2 What should f girl do when a man leaves her atandin In the middle of he floor of a ballroom t (8) What la the correct thing to wear to a tea party,' theatre pa-tv, or a garden party t (4) At which side vt the woman should a man seat himself at a 'ablet ("il May a s'ice of bread I ke bitten into, or should it be broken Into $ small pieces, butt-red indWHmilly and so eon- veved to the miutht G) What ara the hieky' dayt and month of pe-pt- birn March 8. 1904, also October 15. 1906? Thanking you In advance ad-vance and wishing vou success In your work, I I remain, JACKIE. Utah. ; My dear Jackie, you did not read the rule tor this department, did yout Read them now f and you will see your questions have exceeded J the limit by four. Vou will remember this the j next time, won't yout (1) If married woman she should sirn lere!f. Mrs. John Smith; if a widow she may sign the same way or use her own name, as, Mrs. Mary Smith. If unmarried her signature should' be her full name, Miac Mary Smith. (2) It hardly aeems possible that any man could be so rude aa to leave a girl standing in the middle of a ballroom fl-xr, but should he do this the only thing the crl can do la to 4nd a seat for herself and avoid a repetition of this embarrassing situation, by the earns-person, earns-person, at least. (8) For an afternoon reception re-ception or tea an elaborate afternoon dresa I very correct, although in this day of the pop- A-y ular tailor-made auit or gown, eilher are quite permissible. .This aame dresa Is a'so proper for the theatre, and the hair may be dressed' very elaborately. For the garden party tie fluffiest and daintiest of summer dresses are worn, with flower-laden hata and beruffled sunshades, white shoes and gloves. (4) The man seata himself at the left of the lady at the table. (5) Break off a small bit of bread A a time, butter and transfer to the mouth with the fingers. (6) For persons born In March, Wednesday Is said to be their lucky day and September and May the luc'iv months. . For October. Friday Is the day, an. August and December the months. Dear Mlsa Brooks, I hav been very much Interested In "Just Between You and Me," and would like to ask you a few questions. (1) I am seventeen yeara old weighing a hundred and twenty-six pounds. Is this too much and would you advise me to take a tonic to reduce T I am about Ave feet three Inches In height (2) I have always al-ways had the desire to become a movie actrese, would It be better to overcome this desire- or to try and develops it?. (8) There s a certain boy w.iom I think the world of. Is thre no way In which I could make him care more for met I am quite popular, but the fellows usually take me too seriously. Thinking you In advance, t am. PEGGY. Wah. (1) You are only a few pounds over weight, Peggy, an do not resort to a "tonic" yet Yo are slightly taller than the avenge girl of seventeen, so I would say you art only about eight pounds over weight, and yuu can easily kt from putting on mora flWh by taking pl nty of Mte-riso, auch ns ws'Hng, and all kinds of athletie snnrta which you can Indulge In now. Zm nu est jny sweet or fata. ) if yo-jr desire to become a movie ectrase is eeeoupinied by talent along this line, certainly cer-tainly you should improve It I see no reason why yna shculd try to overcome it (8) It Is not fnr you to seek any boy'a attention or affection, af-fection, lYrr t is ynun to be alwaya the ,..., !,Mr, char.fll.ia; llille ,dy. and attract at-tract their admiration and rapect Dear Helens 1 gue,s you think 1 am a bother to you, bnt you are the best "adviser" t have ever found. Will Jnn plea pub;Uh the worda to the song entitled "Jy Finds U Afler All." (2) What tracked the Liberty 11,11 f Wishing yon auc s, I am, CURI.EY, Tooele. Ut Your .re bother, Curley. Thenka for rour goo vishe.. U) if your po,m fo'ind it will apptar aa anon as spsee per-m.U per-m.U or I vlll ,tn(J lt p.rW)nByi (2) Th UUrty Kell v aa cracked on July . 1835. while tolling during th, funeral aolemnitiea of tn Marshall. Chief Justice of the United t, who dM In Philadelphia. Dear Miss Brooki I We hava been very Interested In the corner 'Between You and Me," and would like you to answer a tew questions for us. Are th. following actors married, if ao who tot Rudolph Valentino, Betty Compeon, Buck Jones, Charlie Chaplin and Lila Lee, If Rudolph Valentino ia married haa be any children t Wishing you all kinda of luck In your work we remain as ever. BETTY AND BOBBY, Utah. Sorry to have kept you waiting ao long, but your letter waa delayed in readying me because be-cause It was incorrectly addressed. Rudolph Valentino haa been married twice. " His first wife waa Jean Acker. His present wife wa Winifred Shaughnessy. He haa no children. Betty Compson, Lila Lee and Buck Jones are unmarried. Charlie Chaplin's wife, from whom he la divorced, waa Mildred Harris. - Thnnks for your good wishes, girls. Dear Mise Brooks: Vny I obtain help from your column T My questions are: (1) Is Ontario, Canada, a "drv" state? (2) What day did the 13th of February, 1903, fall ont (8) Would you please tell me a few games, suitable for boys and girls of from twelve to eighteen years? Thanking you in anticipation, and hoping 1 may call again some day, I am, yours faithfully. faith-fully. "DARKIE," Utah. You are welcome. Darkle. (1) Yea, Ontario, On-tario, Canada, la "dry." (2) The 13th of February, 1903, came on Friday. (8) It is rather difficult to-explain a game in a small apace, but I will try. Prepare sheets of paper with the name of each individual present written writ-ten on them, and opposite the names are three columns with the words weight, height and age at the top. Each guest ia then requested to write orposite the name bis decision In regard to the height, weight and age of each person. Make out a aheet that is correct a) nearly as you can, and then find out which one has made the moat correct guesses. To the one who has the most, a prize might be awarded. The fun comes frrna ascertaining the correct height and weight Tb- height ia determined by measurement ths weight by someone who ia expert on guessing weights, unless you should happen to have scales sufficiently suf-ficiently large. Each person's age will be found on their own paper. Each person "corrects" "cor-rects" his own paper by checking up with the correct paper aa the height weight and age Is read off, and the difference between his guess and the correct one he places in a separate sep-arate column. When these are added up the smallest number is the nearest correct Another game which causes greaj amuse-Dv.nt amuse-Dv.nt is to place a large smooth apple on the floor and have each one try in turn to pick the apple up on a teaspoon, without the use of the fingers. To the one picking up the ! apple the greatest number of times in one minute goes the priae of the apple. Call ayain. Dear Miss Brooks: We have been reading your Interesting Conner, Con-ner, and would like to ask a few questions. (1) When waa Hallowe'en first started, and who did it get Its name? (2) In giving a party how could you entertain boys and girls from lb age of fourteen to aixteen if the boys dta't dance? (3) If a very dear girl friend of yours waa Introduced to a boy, and you were not and he took a liking to you, and you received a letter from him, should you answer? BABE. TOOTS, PEGGY, Utah. Very glad you find my corner Interesting. You are welcome. (1) Hallowe'en, or Hallow-even, Hallow-even, ia the evening of Oct. tl. That evening even-ing Is so-called, however, because it ia the eve of the Christian festival of All SainU ihlch falls on November 1. It means Holy Eve. About thirteen centuries ago pagans eele-' eele-' bra ted November 1 aa All Saints Day, when spirits, both good and evil, were believed to be on earth. The Druids also celebrated their harvest featlval about that time, and many atrange ceremonies were performed, and so the Hallowe'en diversions of today are some which originated centuries ago. The name cornea from the old English word "halwe," or aa we now aay, holy. (2) In this aame issue you will find this answer for "Darkle." (3) If yon know this boy is respectable in every way, but you should use discretion. Dear Miss Brooks: Will yoo pleaae eniwer a question for me? I like a boy very much who la the same age I am. We went together about three months and then we had a quarrel and quit Another of my boy friends tells me this boy still loves me but he Is going with another girl he does not like as well. What can I do to get him back? As ever, PINK, Wyo. Nothing for ou to do, dear. He will return re-turn to you if he w( hes to. You can be pleasant pleas-ant and agreeable when you find yourself In his society, but it ia not your privileve or p'ace to make overtures to him In any way, unleva, of one, jou srer at fault wln your "quarrel" occuned It Is always "right" to admit you were "wrong," you know. Dear MUs Brooast I have been reading your corner In the A'reo Advertiser and J enjoy it very much. Bo 1 thought I would ak some quafins nd sald like you to anwer the;n if joi will l) WHat is Hope Hampton's edreui? (V s born In March, w'ntt ts m lucky day rA month? Wishing fen. mmh aiu-cs, I am a fr-er-d dolly, a :u: , Y'a rj verr welcome. D,y. (lj Hote Himpton's add.or lr, JI llsm, n frie-tlons. frie-tlons. Ir.c. First NstlonaJ h , 149 Hndway, New York City, (if tut an bnre In March, Wednesday Is said to M faeiiy day and ;'cplmbr and May lucky mot,a. My Dear Mits Brvsi Here I am again. Jt a Hu! WWwm girl. I entered your 'r ovAy a Kl wh.S ago. You said I was anwei fWyvn vt ft f corns by my writing. I ha j,t .PM fhifv,, lately. No tnr rr, ), fnn please tH r.ie herc , t Motion Picture Msrst.n. an It would be a year 11, wci W wnere I ran get s pur of nm ftsnleW end Wallace R-id. and fww n-a ,i!d th-y be apiece? Muring to get a a iim yours slncrri'ly, JUST PLAIII liNOWDftOP, f;,t,. Welcome, Snowdrop. miit sligh'iy irt my que,., didn't 1? 1 1 1 T.w .,, j tinned i HGO per ys snd tfe. s.Hrna ts I The llrrw.Ur Publication., It-,, J,ml, New t York. (2) Py writing to them person lly and I requesting It, Snowdrop. A,n, all -,ihir phuUm, w.me do tt'ti, mid tiie ptvt vsrie frt,m 25 cents up. I), ar Miss firo'.ks: I liv ho.n re-J.linK yr.ur r.,-nvr f,,r m, t "ii- and hsve enj. v. d it. Tin it, ,,. r . 'and I i , ,.. 1 "' '"I ' ' "n. f .r , ,, , " "'"I I '' "' !', I . f ' 1 'i - ' it I rr...l,. (),,.,, |