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Show Day's Deeper Meaning. Three centuries ago the Plymmith colonists kept our first Thanksglvlnp day. For more than threescore year the date has been established and the observance natlnn-wtile. The history nnd the spirit of Thanksgiving are simple and famillnr, yet of a kind apart und exalted nnd requiring to be tnnny times retold. Scholars hart spoken of a kinship of tHs fesrt to the .lewlsh Feast of Tnliei-nncles. but the likeness Is Indistinct In ccv-cnioin and remote In time. It need not chiiii the fcclint; th.'it Thnksvlvlntr day Is n j day disilnetive and nrk'Smil. evolvee" of tlie (renius of a stroii?;, tie' t"ofle ' eiiriiosily at work a.it c"iis,-fiM' o' j (JikL ! |