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Show Sporting Squibs of All Kinds Williams college has taken up soccer. a a Trie Speaker will again manage the Cleveland American baseball club lu 1923. . a a a Clarence L. Wanamaker has been reappointed coach of the Yale university univer-sity hockey team. a a It must be fine to be a French idol and have nothing to do but get knocked out once In a while. When Peter Manning set the world record at 1.50 he averaged to cover 45.22 feet each second. Still, the referee's whistle never can afford a thrill equal to that of the umpire's um-pire's deep-throated "play balL" a a a If the Germans want to get out of the financial ruck they might build a stadium and start a football team, a a a Hughey Jennings Is positive thnt Pltclrer Jonnard will be one of the stars of the National league next season. sea-son. a a a . From comment by Portland critics Jimmy Mlddleton Is assured of his Job as manager of the Portland team for next year. a a a If the ball players organize a nnlon they will have public sympathy and support If they declare the umpire to be unfair. a a a The Giants put only one name In the draft and nobody else wanted the man. He was Anderson, the Beaumont Beau-mont catcher. Babbit Maranvllle seems to be more proud of a 76 card at golf than his batting average, according to Pittsburgh Pitts-burgh baseball reporters. a a a Gene Sarasen is resting comfortably after an operation for appendicitis. At last report be had no criticism te make of the doc's slicing. a a a John Hoyle, rowing coch fit CcTnell, must secure lumber for stout oars, and has Issued an appeal for clear, white spruce lumber, straight gained. V Leo DIegel, New Orleans, golf professional, pro-fessional, lowered the Columbia (Washington) Country club course by one hole. He did IS holes In 68. a a a "It means much for the standard of football played by the Western conference," confer-ence," was Fielding H. Yost's comment on the 8-0 victory of Iowa over Yale, a a a Perfect efficiency In athletics Is a boy's who plays 18 holes of golf In the morning and then plays a double-header double-header at baseball In the afternoon, a a a Book-making will be done away with at the Havana race track this winter. All the money wagered will be through the means of a group of 37 parl-mutuel machines. a a a Baseball is apt to have some peed injected into It after all. Barney Old-field, Old-field, along with Frank Clinnce, is hankering after the franchise of aa International League club. a a a Football seems to be growing wonderfully won-derfully in popularity In this country. Ko matter how large the stadiums are built thy soem to be too smnll to accommodate ac-commodate the fans who want to see the gaises. |