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Show U. S. Mine Employee Dies in Coal Bin Don Carlos Hickman, age 57 years of Lehi Junction and employed em-ployed at the power plant of the United States Mining Co. was smothered to death iirthfrcoal bins of the above company on Friday last. The boilers of the plant are mechanically stoked, the coal being run down f rom the bins through chutes, Hickman's Hick-man's job was to see sufficient coal was sent down through the day to keep the night shift going. go-ing. Evidently he was in the bin getting down the coal when the coal from on top of him started to move and he was completely com-pletely buried and smothered to death. He was last seen in the early afternoon and his body was not removed x until 7 o'clock p. m. The body was shipped from the Ed. O. Donnell Undertaking Parlors to Lehi on Sunday last. i |