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Show THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM. UTAH fom comic section MADE HIM FEEL THE COLD Yourifl Man'a Excellent Exemplifica-tion of the Power of Mind Over Matter. The power of mind over matter has been discussed since mankind found It-self. Eplctetus, the Roman slave, knew much about It; so did Marcus Aure-liu- s; Bishop Berkeley of England hud lite theory; In our day and country it has been made much of by many per-sons. The latest advocate Is Emlle Coue. the French exponent of auto-suggestion. , ; Examples of this Influence may be discovered anywhere. In an elevator, for Instance, two young men were discussing the weath-er. .. Tretty cold this morning," said one. "Not so cold," declared the otlieri throwing out his chest. "It was 80 degrees by my thermome-ter," said the other. "Geel" shivered the second. "If I'd a known that I'd a put on my over-coat" For a third of a century the nam Calumet baa Mood a the emblem of . the beet baking powder. Its steady i growth of favor has reached such proportion that today th sale of ) ' (SSMSUSSSW- ! The Economy BAKING POWBEil U 2U time as much a that of any w other Brtnd. A ff Thii la the best proofof Its superior V ((, -- merits of the wholesome tooda that it alwaye producea of the vlSI economical and unfailing results 1"?) alwaya obtained where it la uted. p-.r- A Calumet containa only such ingro if J dienta at bmt been officially approv V V ed by the United States Pure Food VJLJ authorities. Haa more than the ordinary leavening strength, there- - V fore you use lets.The most depend - tv&g able of all leaveners, Slr THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDElj V Cuticura Soap Imparts - The Velvet Touch Saaa 25c, Ointment 25 ni 50c, Tttcaa 25c. f&&ZR4 PARKER'S iWFfc HAIR BALSAM RmemiDuMra(I-tpcllairrJl)- If J Rortora. Color and "I'D. I Baatrty to Cray and Faded Hah HINDERCORNS ftmm CVraa, Cat' loan, cm., rein all paia. Munw confurt lb feet, mkr aiktn . It bj mail or at Una (111. UuoasCawulcal WarkkraloauvaajlLX. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and e that it Bears the Signature of OSxyT&CCl In U.w for Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria I Msordered Staadu I Take a good dose of Carter's Little liver Pills IrTPTCiVgl then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. wAK I ILK O You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to . CI ITTLE follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, ii ' Tf IVER Dizzines9,SickHeadache,UpsetStomachandforSallow, IfPILLS Pimply' Blotchy Skin. Theg end the mttery of Conil'patiott. L,IlLVsKrWTXJ lXZ?j&jGSZwt S"n P01; Sm.fl D.i.;S- -l Prlc III 111 II I WPf- -r ii." XJtlJPI'i iiawi,wie ddll tPlSlI Gives Cheerful Hew Color Tono to Old Curtains Uiyj Ugiill) PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish in, n , , an i innin "'" i , - -- ..a:..-, v. v. -- rr' ri in I ;J': TT isn't so much a question of the number of hours , I f you spend in bed, as it is of the quality of the I I sleep you get. Is your sleep sound and restful, or is I it fitful and unrefreshing? j j I One common cause of wakefulness at night is over--I stimulation from coffee drinking. For coffee contains i - caffeine which irritates the nerves and frequently leads to I insomnia. I I Tba two forms of j If you have any idea that coffee keeps you awake at Pontnm r equally d f night, or makes you nervous, make a change from coffee to licious; and the coet w I delicious Postum. only .boat He per cu This pure cereal beverage contains nothing that can harm rir?',..t'? health, and its flavor is much like coffee. In fact, many V" "'Z, people prefer Postum for its flavor alone. Your grocer sells Postum in two forms: Instant Postum jClWfl (in tins) prepared insiantJy in the cup by the addition of boil- - I P0STU??fcH ing water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who pre-- 'renpii J i A fer to make the drink while the meal is being pre- - ,7'thtAL pared; made by boiling fully 20 minutes. "r3"""' POStUITl FOR HEALTH g . Mad by Postum Cereal Company, Inc. J K ' SNBattta Creek, Mich. R ' " R member j .WW HOW EMPARRAWEO you FELT I klOVAl II : " '' ' Invention Tests Air. The Paris-Londo- n air service has an Ingenious Instrument for measur-ing the depth of fog above the start-ing place at Croydon or Abbeville, and so to determine whether there Is clear, dry weather a few hundred feet up. The instrument, which Is based on the property of human hair of con-tracting sharply on passing from wet to dry air, consists of a hair attached to a trigger that holds a ring. The Instrument is sent aloft with toy bal-loons on a string; as soon as It reaches dry air the hair contracts, pulls the trigger, and down conies the ring on the string. Youth's Companion. Seems So. "Necessity knows no law." "Especially when thirsty." Louis-ville Courier-Journa- l. Many a man is making his "mark" In Germany. Ilnrd cash Is also so called because it Is hard to get Run fer Yer Life, Cat! SOTplI B0S$ , MOO VAEO VAE PRAM FER 1 COT AtQUfc AND vrLp--J 7 b i " ' ? ' ! The Boomerang. My most embarrassing moment was at a family gathering where a lot of cousins, stepsisters and half-sister- s were present. We had not met In sev-eral years and there was a little Jeal-ousy among us. I heard them mention the name Marie several times, so flnnlly asked: "Who is Marie? Is that Mary, with her name styled up to Marie?" A sarcastic old aunt replied: "Yes, Maggie, Just as yours Is styled up to Marguerite." piicago Tribune. Paper for Dark Room. Modern photographic plutes are se sensitive that often a screen of red glass In the dark room Is not snffldent to prevent fogging. A French photo graphic expert gives the following pre-scription for making a paper screen which is 50 per cent more effectived than red glass: Take unsized paper and dip it thoroughly In 100 s of water containing six. grams of tartrazlne. Then pass it over blotting paper and dry It T render the coloring matter more a herent, a little gum arable may he add-ed to the solution. J SIGHS FOR REAL SUCCOTASH Oldtlmer Deplores Fact That the Dainty Seema to Have Gone Out of Fashion. When I was a boy I was very fond of succotash, and down in New Eng-land years ago we were told that it was made as the Indians made it, Just pole beans and corn boiled together, and maybe it wasn't good I In traveling around the conntry at various hotels I often ask for succo-tash especially at this season of th1 year when the berns and corn are Just right but what offerings ore placed before me under the name of succotash t In many parts of the country lima beans are used In, making succotash, and lima be:ins make nice succotash but I don't think the Indiuns knew anything about limn beans. Succotash, Johnnycake, hoecake, ap-ple turnovers, frizzled beef, do you remember them 7 From a Letter to the New York Herald. i Counter-Threa- t Little Tommy Boggs and the boy next door were having a row In the back yard. The neighbor hnd thrown a stone at Tommy, and the latter was making divers threats. "If you throw another stone at me," he Anally yelled, Til set my dog on you." "You will, will you?" retorted the neighbor. "Just you come Into my yard and I'll sick my mother on you 1" Philadelphia Press. When the Chaplain Waa Ump. The colored troops were playing baseball. The chaplain was umpire. The pitcher threw a high one and tha chaplain yelled: "One striker The batter thereupon turned to htm and remarked: "Mr. Chaplain, youse done Judging dem balls wld yonr spiritual eye." Everybody's Magazine. Time flies, but the orchestra leader can beat It Well-bre- d persons never hoast about It. . - Necessary Preparation. "Why are you studying all these for-eign languages r "I'm thinking of liv-ing In New York." Where there Is no purpose there Is no progress. I True blue never fades. 1 You Just Can't Stick Eph aapaiaaBi mmmmmmtmm amiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMWaa.-mw- h - MR FEATHER HEAD, I IUAMT Vt.l KlH DO N0U REMEMBER, ) f Ulrtt 1 REMEMBER. T6 MEET EPH HAROTACK HE'S REMEMBER-- ABRAHAM LINCOLN, WHEN HE UM5 A Trtt OLDEST RESIDENT IN J WHEN ThE FlR$T MR. HARDTACK ? 1 V0UMG5TER PLlTTlM' ) "fcwN u j 6ETTLER CAMS - . ' --VX t LOC& 'g, i suppose sod 1 hnf If? eA - I ua I "TT RtMEMBER WHEN 3D0 1 fnE MAN WHAT J TS CEORCE A$HiNGTaN DROVE THE HACK hf mW ft L HACKED THE CHERRY A v . y |