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Show "SAFETY FIRST" WEEK IN BINGHAM The Utah Copper Saftey Counsel with H. I. Madsen at its head carried out an excellent pro- , gram in Bingham this week. On Tuesday a big Safety f eautre "The Hand of Fate" was exhibited ex-hibited at the Princess Theatre. There was also another exhibition exhibi-tion of pictures given at the I. O. 0. F. Hall at Copperfield on ' ' ' - Wednesday, a large number at-k at-k ' tended each display. A Big Safe- ty First Dance will be given at Society Hall this eek. , Louis Buihman of the Utah Copper r . "Safety First" office is to be congratulated for the efficient manner in which he has demonstrated dem-onstrated to the people of Bingham Bing-ham with Mr. Madsen "Safety First Week." |