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Show THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM," UTAH , . ' . tt NEW WASATCH HOTEL SAkT LAKE CITY :.. "' : t " ' ' I, ". Modern in Every Respect. Clean and Home Like. Three Blocks from D. & R. G. Depot 78 WEST BROADWAY Charlie Uren Proprietors Jack Curnow Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-ders and Drafts '.' t - i "','" Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent ''.'. f A. A. Christensen ROOF EXPERT The Man Who Understands the needs of your roof. Let him examine.-the-for you. Write or call Main St. , 555, up stairs. Binghaml '4 .. In response to the large number of urgent requests for the continuance of the great sale of Hughes Electric Ranges, vc will extend this wonderful offer for the 1 2 FIRST TEN DAYS OF JUNE Only a Few Days Left '' ' of our great sale of HUGHES - Electric Ranges BUY NOW ' 1 f. , v v yv vv vv vvyv vvtttvvtt v i yr BREAD For Health Bread is not only the most delicious but the whole- - somest and least expensive of all foods. . The more you eat of it, the less you will feel the need of other higher-price- d, less nourishing foods. Buy a Good Bread here. It's always fresh, wholesome, delicious, A GOOD BAKERY STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., Phone 187 ' BINGHAM CANYON UCC V f AJLM. St. JLi Om U Hughes C-- 4 " Reduced Electric Range tJL Hughet 44 SQ'tfl Reduced Electrla Range O J . Reduced Hughea 37 CflA Electric Range OV Hughe. 47 $ftfo Reduced Electric Range V . Reduced Hughes 40 ... fi f Hyghet 50 5l 'Electric Range dQ Electric Ranje Reduced Hughe3 60 CAA Electric Raiige Reduced SPECIAL EASY TERMS $1QDAND $10 MONTH ,1. . . 10 Additional Discount for CasI? Utah Power & Light Company "Efficient Public Service" ARTHUR C. COLE AttorneyAt-La- w Bingham Canyon, Utah Avvocato practicio in Corte degh Stati Uniti in Cbile degh, Stati Utah ; THE MASCOT ROOMS FOR RENT " Partly Iurnished See J. A. Rougham j Bingham f: r: :r' iSociety ... j Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nerdin and family have moved to Midvale and will remain there an indef-- 4 inite period. r Nr. and Mrs.: William Dode t ' i , of Park City are the guests of 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen of Copperfield. r . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield , , of Ruth, Nevada, have been vis--' iting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas j Caulfield. , . Mrs. Stewart Young and her J , little daughter Isabel have re turned to camp and are at home at the Princess apartments. Mr. ;and Mrs. Robert Wells and family attended the opening of the Lagoon resort on Decora-tion day. Mayor Straup, Leslie Straup, Riley Patten. Tommy Evans, Bill Collins, City Marshal Frank ' Thompson, wife and daughter Jewel, Jim Bogan, wife and . daughter Bebe, with Kin Gibson, wife and daughter, spent Sun-day fishing at Pelican Point, Utah lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bour-gar-d and family spent Decora-tion Day at Park City. Mrs. T. H. Parsons combined business and pleasure this week and spent an enjoyable time at Salt Lake City. Victor Eckman motored out , from Salt Lake City 'on Friday and spent an enjoyable day re-newing old acquaintances. chosen juror in the court of Judge Hansen at Salt Lake City. Mr. Countryman will prove an efficient juror. Frank Thompson, city mar-shal made an important business trip to Park City yesterday. Henry Weiss, one of our popu-lar citizens who has been con-fined at the Dr. F. E. Straup hospital for several days with an attack of pleurisy. is recuperat-ing nicely, s C. C. Lawke and Walter Lock-har- t, former residents of Bing-ham are back in camp which is a sure proof that Bingham is coming back to her own. Joe Gamache, an employee of the Utah Apex mill badly smashed three fingers of his left hand while at work Wednes-day morning. Banker Dahlquist is to be con-gratulated for his kindly thought Wednesday night of last week, when he took to the searchers for the body of John Lotsis sev-eral gallons of coffee and a large number of sandwiches. Happenings in Binghaml Jchn Rooklidge representing i ' - 'the Milwaukee Mechanics Insur-ance Co. of Wisconsin was in cam? Wednesday adjusting fire claims. C. L. Countryman has been Michigan. Before returning home they will visit friends and relatives in Omaha, St. Paul and Ashland. " " Miss Margaret Webb left Sat-urday for Riverton to Visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hansen and family motored to Salt Lake Sunday. Mrs. Henry Heringer and Miss Emma Sandstrom were Salt Lake visitors Friday. , Mrs. Lisadore Walker and daughter Venus left Saturday for Garfield to remain indefin-itely. " Mrs. E. Nesemann who has been the guest of Mrs. Louise Rowland left on Thursday for her home at Berkeley, Califor-nia. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fahrni mo-tored to Bingham on Saturday evening to attend the charity show at the Princess. Mrs. Louise Rowland and son Harry motored to Bingham Wednesday on business. Lark Society Miss La Von Magee entertain-ed a few girl friends at a candy pull Friday evening. Mis. Alma Blum, little daugh-ter Inez, and Cloyd Dalton mo-te red to Tooele Monday to spend Decoration day with their par-ents, returning home that even-ing. John Atkinson, better known jas "Chappy" motored out from Salt Lake and spent Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Miss La Von and Rhea Magee left Sunday for American Fork where the will visit friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. Savage left Sunday to visit Mr. Savage's old home in the upper peninsula of Did It Ever ; Occur to You That nothing can be more true than the frequent remark "You can't please everybody." It has never been done. t That the man who used to kick his horse has more patience with a balky flivver. . That lovers of nature can pick wild flowers to their heart's content on the hills above Cop-perfield these days. That blue laws would make a lot of people red-heade- d. That to many of us here comes a time when life isn't what it seems to be. . That one hears of matrimonial bonds and matrimonial chains, but the good old matrimonial knot is more expressive of the . tie that binds. Lopk out for the June ties and if you are antici-pating something big this month send your orders for wedding in-vitations and wedding cards to ( Clark at the office of the Bing-ham News. That if we are descendents of monkeys phrenology is all wrong or do we acquire the bumps from being hit with cocoanuts? That young people are reluct-ant about accepting advice be-cause they want the excitement of learning from experience. That there Is more profit in skinning the public than in skin-ning a calf. That it takes only one party td the contract to make a mess " of matrimony. That "Barney" is a capable en-tertainer, but his blooming "Ir-ish" would iriake a coon collapse. That if you want your busi-ness thoroughly advertised seek aid at the office of this weekly. That a boy in a school room is Worth a dozen who attend the pool room. f That the charming little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chandler danced a way into the hearts of many on Saturday night at the Princess. That all differences between employer and employe will set-tle themselves automatically when the millenium comes, and Inot very likely before. I 1 That the Eingham News has -- no old machinery or type. That some fellow who thinks he is the whole thing feels rath-er small in a crowd so large that one has to fight for elbow room. That Senator Borah, has rec-ognized Soviet Russia. What more does she want? . That according to a Salt Lake daily, Attorney W. W. Ray is seeking a chicken there are others, even in Bingham. That it is posiblo to get out of patience with a man that is al-ws- yc right. That optimists say old Pros-perity is back, but pesimists srMe he hasn't hung up his hat yet. ' , That when a girl asks you how "she looks ,vith Tier hair bobbed, there is nothing left to do but compliment her, for hair once bobbed cannot be glued on like a postage stamp, no matter how frightful it looks. That more accidents happen returning from a roadhouse, than going to one. That it has been said "No man understands women." Why should he want to understand them. ' Unsolved mysteries are most interesting. COPPERFIELD SOCIALS i Mr. and Mrs. Ted Byrne with Mr. and Mrs. W. Steele and John 'Knudsen motored to Salt Lake on Monday to visit Mrs. Essie Brocklebank at the Holy Cross hospital. Elmer Knudson, son of John Knudson, returned from the St. Mark's hospital the past week, where he underwent a minor op-eration. Mrs. Beal of the 'U. S, mines returned from New Mexico the past week where she went to spend a vacation with Mr. Beal. Mr. Beal is holding a prominent position with a mining company there. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steele spent a Mr. and Mrs. W. Stteele spent a pleasing evening at Salt Lake City at the Pantages the past week. Miss Knudson of Nevada, niece of Deputy Sheriff John Knudson has been spending sev-eral days with her relatives at Copperfield. Miss Knudson has joined the nursing staff at the L. D. S. hospital this week, and her many friends here wish her every success in her new sphere. Mrs. Edith Maxfield and her daughter Lottie are spending a vacation with relatives and friends at Salt Lake City. Miss Ivy Rodda, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodda returned home after snending a delightful holiday in the valley. Atsemcnt No. 29 SMUGGLER MINING COMPANY rriiiiopHl 1'luce of Business, Bing- - luiin, rtiiii. .Locution of Mines, American Fork t'linyon, rt;ih. ' Notice Is hereby jrlven tlmt n meeU !n' of th BiMiril of IMrectors of the MnuiiKK MINIXCi CO., held on the 'Ofh liny of May V.Y22, Assessment No. y.y of tyc jtr snare whs levied upon Hie capital stock of the corporation, 'ssied ntxl outstanding, nyahle limned-- ! l:itety to" the Secret tiry ut hi office! t I'otirpird Apts, lUn.'hnm Cunyon.j I'tah. Any sfocl; upon .which this assessment tiuiy remain unpaid on thej ttth day of June liV.'L', will he delta-- ! 'liient and advertised for sale nt puh-- ! 'ic niHtlon, and unless payment Is' made before It will he sold on the ."th? lay of July 11)22, at 12 o'clock non.; t the Secretary's office to pay the do liminent iissenment, together with the, o-- tg of ndvertlsin'r nnd expense of nle. MAX CKFFK.V. , Secr;t:iryJ Repulsive aire: ' The crentest hlrd gourmand la the vulture of southeast Europe. Seven vultures can strip the enrenss of a horse In half nn hour. After" such a menl they can fly only a few yards. They Mand with puffed-ou- t hodles, drooping wings, and blood shot eyes, uttering hideous cries. ' Ma n't Demeanor Tells Tale. Cheerfulness Is Just ns natural to the heart of n man In strong health us color to his cheek ; and wherever there Is habitual gloom, there must he either had nlr, unwholesome food, Improperly severe labor or erring hab-its of life. Husk-In-. i When a Nail Loosens Platter. When n nail driven In the wull gets loose nnd the plaster begins to fnll off saturate a bit of cotton with thick glue, wrap as much as possible around the nail nnd push this back Into pla.y pressing hard ns possible. This w if firmly set the nail in place. pnnela. the aotuvd of a bursting lock. Almost as though it wert an echo of It came a feeary poundbig upn th street dKr. Cloy guessed (hut the thirty minutes were up and that the Hunt was bringing the police. He jvej back Into on of th empty rooms Jnst i thne ta ml a rimh of men pont-tn- along the passag to the atalra. Cut off from the street. Clay took to the roof agnln. It wotjWI not do for Mud t he caught la the hetwe by the Rules for Home Making. f Three rules for making a borne nT tractive were recently given to 3 young ninrrled couple by nn interim j de orator. They were: - Provide !( nii-ss,'ir- utilities, nrrnns;p an "C"' chV color scheme nnd, the final or. f iii.i!;e the place livable. , , s 1 i' |