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Show Tnii is your corner. iMake um of it for your information on question that are puzzling you. It will b my pleasure and privilege to answer cart-fully cart-fully and promptly all questions submitted to me. ; If a more detailed an.wtr man can be given in these columns is desired, send a stamped envelope and it will be given prompt attention- All communications will always be held b absolute confidence. i .'. AL1 ,ette" addressed Terjr plainly in pen and ink ts Helen Brooks. Box 1545. Salt Lake City. )2JL(3r Dor Mlra Brooki l By thane th other day I law a paper with your corner In it and I wondered If yoa would do omcthlnc for mc Pint I will tell you (omething' of myself aa that yon will better know what I want I will toon be tichteen yean old and I live on a email ranch about one ' mile from a email villase. The paat two and a half yean I have been lck. 'I have had 'three operations, and' thU eomlna July I w'll go aga'n on the operating table for what I hope will be the lait time. Juet now I am able to be up and around and do eome light work. There I nothing in thU neighborhood to keep the "bluet" away. I would like to itart a correspondence friend-shin friend-shin with eome other girl who is Jonesome and gete the blues. I am sure some other girl near my age has written to you for a lonesome cure, and I would like to have her name and address. Maybe I can also do someone some-one else some good while I am receiving good myself. I am honing so, anyway. I thank you m advance. Take all my love you want, as I have lota to spars. MI33 MTRTLB CHAPMAN. Barrel, Calif. I am putting this lonsly girl's letter In Jut as she wrote it, address and all. In the hope that seme of my nice girls who write to me may see It and write to this girl whs has had a much more then her share of peia and sa ft ring, and far her 1 thank yea. My dear Miss Brooks: I am Interested in "our corner1 and would appreciate it to eome extent if you would answer ans-wer the following question,: If you were at the danea hall with a few friends and they were asked to dance, leaving you alone, what would you dot What is a polite and courteous way of refusing a dance T Is it correct for a girt to wander away from a ballroom with fiance T Thanking you for your trouble, I shall be, , A CONSTANT FRIEND. Utah. If y hare a chaperons, as ysej really should have at dance hall all yea can de la to remain at her aids until someone claims yen for the dance, er antil your friends return. re-turn. In refusing a dance It is enly nsess aary to say, "I am sorry hat my program Is gaits fall" er Thank yen. bat I do not think and If H Is to he a Jane wedding, that la the month of roses, yen knew. 4th. .The same rale for sating corn eS the cob woakl apply In a public dining place as at homo. If no corn holders are served, simply take the com in the fingers and eat It as ana, tmsively aa possible. Often corn hols' en are served. Sth. In a public restaurant or hotel, when dining In the evening, it b correct to either wear a- costume with a hat, ar to appear ap-pear la evening dress with oat a hat. Sth. Yes, It Is gulte preper for a girl to spend an evening occasionally at the heme ei her fiance with his family. I hope, my dear, that these answers will be of help to ynn, and V yoa are the engaged girl mentioned, I surely wish yen Joy. Dear Miss Brooks i I am In much trouble. There are thro questions I would like to ask you. (a) There Is a certain boy In this town that said he loved me and wanted an answer. I loved him but did not like to tell him, so what would you do .In that ease? M If yon wanted to be friendly with a boy how would you go at it? Would you hang around him, or what would you do? (c) I went over to i a lady's home the other day and the boy I , e was talking about In my first question cam f up and as soon as he came I went home. . but I would have liked very much to have f stayed only I did not want him to think that I went there because he came. Would " it have been better if I had stayed and talked to hint Thanking you in advance. TROUBLED, Drlgm. Idaho. j Dear little troabled gtrli .(a). Let as sia- cerely hope you will never have any grant- -er troubles. New If I only knew how ale) yon are I could give yoa better advice. De yoa think yea are old enourh to know the meaning of the word "love V Don't yon v really think that what yea mean la that yoa Uke this boy friend Joit a little better than some of the ethers perhaps? (b) To f gain anysne's friendhlp just be ymr awn natural unaffected self and be plea-ant and agreeable. NO, never "hang around" a boy. They abhor that (c) Well, I wonder why yon thoaeht yea should go heme as soon ,. as your friend came. Barely it would hava f been better to stay and talk to him. I be- lieve yea should try to overcome self-can- f scieusnese and possibly a little bashfulnsea. tired." However, it weald not be preper to rerase a dance to ana man and give the same dance to another, but It la auite proper to deny yourself to one bey and If he then gees h starch at another partner, to walk or talk with another while the dance Is in progress. pro-gress. It Is all right for a girl and her fane to leave th- dance mom, but they heal! not remain absent se long aa to make N retleeabla. Dear Miss Brooks 1 Will yoa please answer soma queatione for met How many times may a girl dance with a boy without breaking the rules of etiquette? Is it proper for a girl to ak for a dance? May you refuse a dance without a reason? Thank you. YOUR INQUIRER, Utah. Ta danea too freqaently with one young man is considered both Indiscreet and ill-mannered. ill-mannered. The boy who oerts yoa to the dance has the right to ask for three dances the first, the last, and ene In between) and he should da his best to sea that yoa have ether partners 1 bat If for any reason yoa de not have, It la all right for yea to dance with him a time ar twe mora. It makes a girl rather conepleusas If she dances several dances with one boy in accession. A girl does not ask-a boy for a dsnce anyway, antes an-tes It is Leap Year, which it isn't this yeat. That Is the boy's prerogative, Hope this is what yen wanted, and ysn are auite welcome. Dear Helen Brooks : I have just discovered your corner, "Just between you and me," so I am coming straight to you. I am sure these questions have bothered both-ered other girls, and also have been asked before, and I wish you good success In answering ans-wering them for me. 1st. I am dark complected. complect-ed. What can I do to wh'ten my skin? tnd. My face Is also marred with tiny blackheads. black-heads. What would you suggest? And again' my hair is giving me considerable trouble. It refuses to grow and is thin and short. Having kept np with the styles It has been necessary to snarl It. Should I cut it, or can I help it otherwise? Best wishes, r. P.. Mantl, Utah. If year complexion Is naturally dark, my dear. It la a pretty hard matter to change It. and from what yen say I sappere It is, and that yea are not simply tanned. If yea wish ta try a mild bleach, yea can na dnebt get an excellent ene at year local drug store. , For the blackhssds a good Acne Cream can alee be secured at the same place, and should be need after thsr-eavhr' thsr-eavhr' cleaning the face with a reed sosp and water, ar with a cleanslrg cream. .As for the hair. I should hate to eat h If I. were yea. theagh f It la badly, broken at the ansi from the snsrling prorsas, and yoa are yean: ensagh, M might be all right to de se. Massage Mas-sage Is always good for the scalp, and pairing pai-ring the hair to bring the blend ta the sur- race, eat these thmre have to be persisted to systematically la order to de any good. Toa de net say whether yea have dandruff, but It la very probable that you have, and If so. get a bottle of dsndraff cure and ase according accord-ing to directions, and I am ears yea will be leased with the remits. Of eeurss yea mast keep the scalp clean, shampooing It with a good soap aa eftsn as necessary. Oily hair needs shampooing mach eftener than If It It dry. I hope belli the hair and complexion may very sea shew signs af Improvement, Dear Miss Brooks r I am a eon t test reader of your little corn er and have uund it very interesting. Being a young g'rl. I have many Questions to ask. so plrsxe help me. Mist Brooks. 1st. Is it proper for a girl to call a boy up en the telephone t tnd. Will you please tell me how to introduce a man to a woman t Ird. Da you know how to d-cwrste the home for a wedding? th. What is the correct wsy to eat sorn on the cob in a public dining room? tth. Is it correct for a woman to wear a hat In a restaurant or hotel d:n ng .room In the evening? Sth. Is it r-roner for a girl to spend the evening on Sunday night after meeting with a boy at h e horns, if they are tngagsd? Thanking you in advance. I am. , PEGGY. Idaho. Well, my dear, yoa DID have a few aeas-lions aeas-lions didn't yon? ,Te begin with No. It It sll depends. Hswtver, there are not very msny occasions when It would net be better to let him do the celling. It is never wise te cell a bey at his plsre of buninees. If he Is working, as his time then belong ta hit employer. It would be sll Hht to esll him at his home ecesilenally If yra felt It nermesry, bat do not de aa so msny girls da and ran him to death with calls, as hs mleht yet the Idea that yea were running sfter him and ysa know if hs has a 'phone it it last as saty for him Is call yoa If he wants to talk to yoa, end then yoa will KNOrV he wants ts hesr frnm you and Isn't taring an-drr an-drr hit breath when hs heart your voles. "O darn It there's that girl again. Why can't the let me alone?" And that's thst. 2nd lea snly need ssy. "Mrs. Brown, let ms pretent Mr. Smith." This form Is correct en slmntt any occailon. Do not lay "Lot me msks yon acquainted with Mr. Smith," aa thit form la awkward and no lonrer aaed. Another An-other form U. "It gives me mach plesnars ts preaent Mr 8 Tilth te yea. Mn. Drown:" er "This Is Mr. Smith. Mn. Brown, I would like le have you knew him." No. I. A nice way te dnrorste the home for a wedding wed-ding If yoa hsvs a Urge room on the parlor floor that you csn ore. is ts mske a tort ef rhspel by Risking a bower at one end with flowers and meaaering of an title tpace with whits ribbons. Of coarse It Is much sccord-Ing sccord-Ing le the tpsce you hsvs te ate, and hsw lartt a winding It it to be. If you have a mantelpiece, yoa could bank It with flowers and let the wedding psrty stsnd In front of It One csn ait sne't awn Individual tatte in arranging these things snd mske a very kesetlfal room by atlng at many flowers as petals W. Rises are always beestlfal to ace |