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Show Pithy News Notes From All Parts of UTAH rr "M-rras -;,,, - ,7" HaeM , ' ' Salt Lake- -The dairy and food bureau bu-reau of the state department of agri-' agri-' culture has issued warning to mamitao lurers of sausages that the use of artificial coloring in such food pro. duct la not permitted under the state law. The state board or agriculture passed resolution to this effect last August, following the discovery of sulphites sul-phites used to preserve sausages, In company with the coloring matter. Recently Thomas Fenton, inspector for, She bureau, discovered that, with the ' approach of warm weather some sausage saus-age manufacturers are again taking io the use of coloring matter, which Is said to add to the saleablllty of the product, but also con be ut;od to conceal renl inferiority. The manii- factnrers concerned were given warn- " lug thnt the practice Is contrary to regulations, nd If they persist thoy will be given opportunity to explain In the courts. . Ft. Douglas Major George S- Gay, field artillery, has been relieved from v July ns student officer at the field ar ; t.'llory school at Camp Brngg and or. :' dered to Salt Lake about June 20. for duty as military instructor at tho Uu- Ivorslty of Utah. , Pnuguitch Many college professors slid 'scientists nre expected to visit Utyce ennyon this season. Salt Lake City. Warm days have; , ' mnititalnad flood stages In the inoun. lain st renins, and more or less dsn-igo dsn-igo hns resulted to rosds and bridges; according : to the weather,' crop nod range bulletin for Utah Issued by the ia'l Lfil.e weather bureau. Cool rich's, ' tefp tvuipBsitJ.totctiirtl ?fojV'M4' : The' pMni'liig of Bi.gftr bees, p!it:r -t.l other' true!: Is icarly vn, lutul it,d f'lir-t? i,n Ci'm'bg up tift?!,", Illh , V "'ndi lure dcflctid the mr.M'iro 'in f r.t anils nnd la'ns woi:!d be heir-ful heir-ful In many places. Fruit Is deveiop-I'a deveiop-I'a Mowly but oa'isfiictorily. Live-rKx-k ad the ranges aro In good cot.- Fillmore A vigorous battle against weeds throughout Mlllurd County Is being conducted with good results. Brlgham City. John M. Mills una -.Uoumud the dutl s of superintendent . of State Industrlul School at Ogden. , ' Ogdon. Notice to contractors "to u lUm'i blils for the puvingln the Weal O lon district vos nuthoiljied by tho city coiiiinlss'on. The paving will ,.f over the ptiulciipl stiota of iho district dis-trict lending to the mills of the GIolo Grain & Mill.'u coinpuny. It is plA. i:ed to iccehe bids for three chng?s of pavemont bitulltliic, Bsphnltuiu ond coni-refe. Ogden. Suit to recover from Ogdon City ?.(HI0 danui;'es ulleied to be duo for injuries suffered by Henry J, MrLaehlun when lie fell upon the pave-ment pave-ment was filed in the district court." The nccldont happenwl June 11.4SI2I, fl rding to the complaint. The plain- t'ff nllr -ea the city wus negligent In .repairing the iticet closings of the '"'fj'.'t , """" ' '.''- " ' t '.'- !' i-:--t -'V '" I-oghn Hundreds of .Elks ntlend the lnstrt!?btl'n of Lognn lodge No. 1115 .title week. Salt Lake and Provo , lotlgt'S weru well renrobiiiitail Salem The district state rood engineer, en-gineer, has completed the survey te-r the new right of way to be purchased north of the Orem (racks for federnt-aid federnt-aid project No. 84 through Salem. Th new survey contemplates the roimmil of the Sprlngville-Mapleton Sugar corn-pony's corn-pony's beet dump, which now occupies part of a street InWrsecMon. Logan. A powerful radio broadcasting broadcast-ing station has been ordered by the extension division of the Utah Agricultural Agri-cultural College to be used in broad, casting dolly market and weath?r re-porta re-porta to the farming communities of Utah. ", Logan. It. was Father and Sons' day Thursday at the Rotary lunch, and each Rotarlnn attending either brought his own or a "borrowed" eon, ranging In age from three years up to twenty, and each rose up, Introduced himself and mimed his father. One hundred partook of the lunch. Logan. William Malmberg, nn em ploye of the Farmers' Grain and Elevator Ele-vator company of Cnche Junction, fell to h's death in the Interior of circular storage bin he was to clean, nnd . which has no outl t but at the top. He scaled tin ladder on the outside and was descending the one on the interior when three rungs broke and he was precipitated to, the cement fltior. rurnilngton. Professor Emll Hun. son, landscape gnrdeuer of the Utah Agricultural college, will visit Davis, (ounty for the purpose of discussing ' plans for the beautiflcation of school I groubds, meeting Iwu so ground, cltj" parks nnd prlvsto demonstrations! grounds. Professor Hansen's ' plani ore now in effect for the beautifies,, tlon of the Farnilngton City cemetery, Fnnnlngton public school grounds, Farnilngton city streets, 'the Din Is .county high school and n i, timber ol ' jrlvute grounds. |