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Show I I A Complete History of What Hu Beta Happening Throughout the World WESTEKN Government postofflce inspector at Trindad, Colo., released information of the loss of three pouches of registered regis-tered mail stolen from the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway baggage room. A dieek-up of the contests inspectors said, found that $8,000 in currency and $48,000 iu Liberty bonds are missing together with checks and money orders of unknown amounts- - One bandit was killed and another fatally wounnded on the highway be- Itween Gary and Hammond, Ind., when they walked into a trap set by the Hammond police to capture jthe men who have been probblng motorists along'the road. ; WASHINGTON Administration bffieais are making no move at this tlnie to bring about an end to the coal-strike and expect no decisive turn in events that may lend to a settlement of the controversy before be-fore the middle of June or the first of July. , United efforts by religious denom. inations are the means by which nations na-tions can be brought to a disarmament disarma-ment argreement or a village rid or a nuisance, speakers at the recent conference con-ference of churchS federation secretar les agreed. The, 'reply' of the Canadian government govern-ment to the communication of the state , department suggesting negotiation Or a treaty as a basis for construction of. the Great I.akes-St. Lawrence waterway water-way was handed to the state depigment depig-ment by the British embassy!, ' The Canadian government states thut the present is not an opportune time for the negotiation of such , a treaty. Whether any additional move will be made by the American government hnr not been stated. Declaring the. United States is disgraced dis-graced the world over "on account of the law prevailing in many stateR," Representative Dyer, Republican, Mis- An organization to be known as the western .states agricultural representatives represen-tatives and comprising agricultural directors di-rectors and commissioners of eleven western states was formed at Sucre-mento Sucre-mento at a -meeting of officluis representing rep-resenting the member states. George H. Hecks director of the .California department of agriculture, was elected elect-ed president; Miles Cannon, cominls. sioner of agriculture of Idaho, vice president, and F. II- Gloyd, chief as-i latent. director of the Washington state depurtment of agriculture, secretary-treasurer. The officers will ul- o compose the executive committee which will designate) the . time and place for the annual meetings Call, fornla, Oregon, Washington;- Nevada, Arlwma,' Idaho, Utah, "Wyoming,' represented repre-sented at the meeting. The purposes of the association as autllned, are as follows: To secure a greater mutual understanding, closer cooperation and uniformity of action for the efficient enforcement of the agricultural lawe. To promote the efficiency of service nnd regulatory functions with reference refer-ence to the agriculture of the various - weslern states. To define. Inaugurate and support an agricultural policy for the western states- To encourage, foster fos-ter and extend cooperative relutlons with the United States department of agriculture. To encourage, promote and extend cooperative relations with colleges of agriculture and experiment Btations,; ''v&.v, ;v. The railroad announced that, ns soon ns schedules could be published, they planned to put into effect new tariffs reducing rates on coal from the Wyoming and Utah mines to "main line" points in California to $ a ton and to out the rutes to branch lines points approximately $ 1.25 a ton. , Signs of better copper, conditions, are apparent and there Is decidely more vitality to the market than has been witnessed In over a year. Do. mestic manufacturing activity has Increased In-creased to the point where the big hrass mills must have larger qunntiiies of copper with which to flU current requirements-; Export demaild hn also al-so developed to such an extent that the outgo has been established at a (ratifying-high level." . . soun in a letter to Chairman Nelson of the senate-Judiciary committee, protested pro-tested against further t-eiay on the part of that committee In acting on the ant! lynching bill passed by the house. The house Judiciary committ?e, the house itse:f and the attorney general i have all gone on record ns of the opinion 'that the pending bill is con- ' stltutlonal, Mr. Dyer said, but he suggested sug-gested that If the senate committee held otherwlee,.lt ought to pass a bill which would meet the situation. ! Sergeant Akin" York at last feels' secure, the deed to his 400-acre -fiver j bottom farm In Fentress county, TVnn. having btse.11 .presented to hliii with . ihe title clear by J, T. Sheeler 0r Jamestown, u; of. the. trustees of the f ind started by the Nashville Rotary club wliJi .which the fstm was purchased. pur-chased. The first camimlgn for the fund loft the title to the farui clo-cdiJ wiih a mortgage, and tne Argonne hero receuily was tepottod conldr-aldy conldr-aldy worried over meeting paymein "ii the Indebtdness. A second campaign cam-paign was Inaugurated by the Rolar-iaus Rolar-iaus and the mortgage wus paid. Pie-senlstloi, Pie-senlstloi, of the ded was held op 1 ending incorporation in thei document of an account of the sergeant's exploit In France. ' t ' Premier Stamboullsky of Bulgaria, advocates the arrest and punishment of girls who refuse to obey the nev.-law nev.-law requiring them to work for the government free four months out of each year. Under th!s law girls U-tw-een 10 and 20, daughters of bourgeois bour-geois c.'tlxens of Varnu and Sofia, are required jo work, but only one hundred hun-dred have thus far complied. They are doing sewing, typing and hospital work. The law became effective May 1- .... . Chief Justice Taft will imve shortly for Kngland, where during a stay several weeks he will study the Enc-Hsh Enc-Hsh Judicial system wltn a view to detennln:ng its chanuterlsihs vljch lead to great expedition In the sotiitf. ment of legal trials and issues. . . FOREIGN ' Bllliotis of locust are - destroying fields and gardens 'In the farming dis-t. dis-t. irt several Inlles from Naples,1 Itsly. vVth!- 'a 'few 'days hiiiny . actes. of w boat, lions, clover hud corn have been F'oiir large slgnbourds, with inscriptions inscrip-tions Inviting automobile tourists to visit Utah, are to be erected within the next few days at' Important highway high-way Junctions in the west by the Salt Lake Commercial club ond the Ogden Clmmlier of Commerce. This is the first step in a Joint advertising agreement agree-ment entered into between the directors direc-tors of both organizations at a rcent meeting In Ogden. GENERAL An aeroplane, fitted out like an ambulance, am-bulance, won a race with a stork at Norfolk Va. It was a JO."-iniie race. The patient was landed safely at the door of the public health hospitul. and at Inst reports was doing well. Mrs. W. N. Wilds, wife of a coast, guard at Chlcojnico, N. C, was the patient She stood the air trip well end was administered to by the doctors doc-tors during the entire flight. .An army aeroplane carrying Lieutenant Lieuten-ant James 8. Eldredge, stationed nt Rantoul, III., and Paul V. Carpenter, a local newspaper man, fell 2.VKI feet Into ljtke Michigan, off Milwaukee harbor. The accident occurred when the motor of the plane started to m!ss i;nd Eldredge attempted to volplane to earth. The plane tipped slightly when it was near the water nnd went under. Neither man was seriously Injured. County assessors of Utah this year have placed a total valuation n the property which comes within their Jurisdiction of lfl74,()S0.7.2. The fig. : ores compares with a tolnl of $of:C,tK1,. ' .Vii valuation on nhlc-h the 'same 'lases of property In the (state paid taxes last year The reduction IT the county assessors' figures were to slam! as final, would he :$2,nM1SI2 in I. n total v Inn I Ion of !.!! "vtjif.t t ... jn the state except mines and Intercoun-; Intercoun-; ty public, utilities, 1ilch arc asessed by'Uie-t'tnte board 'of equalization. wiped out and It is estimated that the I's.'sls are casing $20.0k damage dully, l.-ist year a few locusts appeared and tholr egs are now pioduclng a scoiu-nee scoiu-nee of Insects which is covciing the laud a foot deep In some places. The 'lUirui'ted population has implored the 'iolp of (he government end uieagiiio iro hi.'ln,' taken to prevent the spread of the plague. British troops tuo brio:; kept In Dublin, Dub-lin, not by the request of the Irish j.ro-xlsionnl j.ro-xlsionnl government but becaiiso the procosa of cvitcunilon has been tMupo-tntPy tMupo-tntPy s'V'i'ended. . , .. Although It has been ''onflrmod that the ministers ot the United States, Cret't Britain, Franco and Japan In Pokln lane been negotiating to ar. ao'.e a unified polb-y toward Chlnti, with a view to assisting plans for unl-f;rainn, unl-f;rainn, n-;th n plnn in 'ludlng fintti-i-M t.ld ti Gmeittl Wu pel I'u. It hi r.:t yet bnen ilecldel what ttio policy of tl.o .In pt; nose gorcrnniunt will Im. f 'ir of 21.rtflO barrels of bourbon w.'i-.v sliippntl to llarve two years ;i. to csenv conflsciitinn by Iho Auiorle'iii vovornincnt, only .t.OOfl ro f'v'.'.n- lllfb'een thoinjand barri'l- lmvc l.t, s hipped, mainly to teirliory cm. t'i,n i.. to t'iH Un'ted Stales, eblerly C .1 (i. tin! iuh-imns and t.'Miailn. Tlio 'J-.'tpot ere gctiorally Ainerli'iins. I'rlt'ce von Bnrtlow, tlie former 'Jer. ir.nn .oohassailor to Italy, who ! lio'V uMln,' In th.it country, said to a rop. res 'KVith e ' of ; the Gloi nalo d'Mali.'t : Tbo !if;er!ns nf our people eoii'In. no; tliP humbles! classes suffer from t.'itHir be'"fiue of hlh prtees. I be-l be-l eu- thht Goniuiny h the highest 'te!f- of prices In Europe. In Berlin :li.f Is a itar'tr of the tttteesarles ,: !,'f; children do not hag sufficient tlolblng nnd mothers are fotci-d to mi spai ei s to clothe them. |